Data is downloaded in bytes into the Display Data RAM matrix of ST7578 as shown below. The Display Data RAM has a
matrix of 66 by 102 bits. The address pointer addresses the columns. The address ranges are: X 0 to 101 (1100101), Y 0 to
9 (1001) .Addresses outside these ranges are not allowed.
In horizontal addressing mode the X address increments after each byte (see Fig 12). After the last X address (X = 101), X
wraps around to 0 and Y increments to address the next row.
After the very last address (X = 101, Y = 8) the address pointers wrap around to address (X = 0, Y =0)
Data Structure
Fig 9. RAM format, if DO=0
Fig 10. RAM format, if DO=1
Fig 11. Addressing : Vertical Mode (V=1)
Fig 12. Addressing : Horizontal Mode (V=0)
Ver 1.2