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C8051F502-IM 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: C8051F502-IM
PDF下载: 下载PDF文件 查看货源
内容描述: 混合信号ISP功能的Flash MCU系列 [Mixed Signal ISP Flash MCU Family]
分类和应用: 微控制器和处理器外围集成电路PC时钟
文件页数/大小: 312 页 / 2813 K
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17.5. Comparator0 Reset  
Comparator0 can be configured as a reset source by writing a 1 to the C0RSEF flag (RSTSRC.5).  
Comparator0 should be enabled and allowed to settle prior to writing to C0RSEF to prevent any turn-on  
chatter on the output from generating an unwanted reset. The Comparator0 reset is active-low: if the non-  
inverting input voltage (on CP0+) is less than the inverting input voltage (on CP0–), the device is put into  
the reset state. After a Comparator0 reset, the C0RSEF flag (RSTSRC.5) will read 1 signifying  
Comparator0 as the reset source; otherwise, this bit reads 0. The state of the RST pin is unaffected by this  
17.6. PCA Watchdog Timer Reset  
The programmable Watchdog Timer (WDT) function of the Programmable Counter Array (PCA) can be  
used to prevent software from running out of control during a system malfunction. The PCA WDT function  
can be enabled or disabled by software as described in Section “27.4. Watchdog Timer Mode” on  
page 297; the WDT is enabled and clocked by SYSCLK/12 following any reset. If a system malfunction  
prevents user software from updating the WDT, a reset is generated and the WDTRSF bit (RSTSRC.5) is  
set to 1. The state of the RST pin is unaffected by this reset.  
17.7. Flash Error Reset  
If a Flash read/write/erase or program read targets an illegal address, a system reset is generated. This  
may occur due to any of the following:  
A Flash write or erase is attempted above user code space. This occurs when PSWE is set to 1 and a  
MOVX write operation targets an address in or above the reserved space.  
A Flash read is attempted above user code space. This occurs when a MOVC operation targets an  
address in or above the reserved space.  
A Program read is attempted above user code space. This occurs when user code attempts to branch  
to an address in or above the reserved space.  
A Flash read, write or erase attempt is restricted due to a Flash security setting (see Section  
“15.3. Security Options” on page 131).  
A Flash read, write, or erase is attempted when the VDD Monitor is not enabled to the high threshold  
and set as a reset source.  
The FERROR bit (RSTSRC.6) is set following a Flash error reset. The state of the RST pin is unaffected by  
this reset.  
17.8. Software Reset  
Software may force a reset by writing a 1 to the SWRSF bit (RSTSRC.4). The SWRSF bit will read 1 fol-  
lowing a software forced reset. The state of the RST pin is unaffected by this reset.  
Rev. 1.1  