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TRC104 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: TRC104
PDF下载: 下载PDF文件 查看货源
内容描述: 2.4 GHz射频收发器 [2.4 GHz RF Transceiver]
分类和应用: 射频
文件页数/大小: 33 页 / 1023 K
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To support the specified configuration, 14 of the configuration register default values must be initialized to new  
values. Only two calculations are required to determine the configuration register constants. The first calculation  
is determining the value of Ch_Num in control register 0X00. The calculation is simple:  
FRF = 2400 + Ch_Num, 1 Ch_Num 127, in MHz  
Ch_Num = FRF - 2400  
for 2408 MHz channel operation:  
Ch_Num = 2408 - 2400 = 8  
The second calculation determines the best PLL pre-start delay time. Ideally the PLL turn-on delay time as shown  
in Figure 5 plus the 170 µs PLL lock time should equal the Burst Transmit Mode FIFO write time. Referring to  
Figure 13 and Table 12, the FIFO write time for a 1 Mb/s serial clock rate is:  
20 µs MODE to FIFO write  
32 µs to write 4 bytes  
3 µs to write the final three dummy bits  
55 µs total  
Given the short FIFO length and the 1 Mb/s serial write rate, the FIFO write time is shorter than the PLL lock time,  
so no delay is necessary. A minimum delay of 20 µs must be set in the PLL Turn-on Control register to enable  
PLL Pre-start function. Using the 20 µs delay value provides a net Pre-start time of:  
55 - 20 = 35 µs, shorting the transmit turn on latency from to 170 - 35 = 135 µs  
If the FIFO was larger and/or the serial rate slower, the PLL Pre-start function would provide a bigger benefit.  
1. To initialize each TRC104, enter Sleep Mode by setting control line PMODE to 0 and control line  
MODE to 1. Hold this state for 100 ms.  
2. Enter Configuration Mode by setting control line MODE to 0, and control lines CS and PMODE to 1.  
Hold for 120 ms to allow the radio to reset, which loads the power-on default values in all configuration  
3. Following the 120 ms reset period and holding the control lines in Configuration Mode, write the Ch_8_RX  
configuration constant 0X8008 to the TRC104 (base or remote). Set the CS control line to 0 for at least  
5 µs, and then set the CS control line back to 1.  
4. For the base TRC104, write the following additional configuration constants to the radio, cycling the CS  
control line to 0 for at least 5 µs between each write:  
TX_Pwr 0X811B  
FIFO_Sz 0X8503  
Pre_Ctl 0X86B0  
Addr_len 0X8802  
Bs_Snd_Lo 0X8E01  
Bs_Snd_Hi 0X8FAA  
Bs_Dst_Lo 0X8902  
Bs_Dst_Hi 0X8AAA  
PLL_Del 0X9401  
Ovr_2C 0XAC18  
www.RFM.com E-mail: info@rfm.com  
©2009 by RF Monolithics, Inc.  
Technical support +1.800.704.6079  
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TRC104 - 08/13/09  