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M37274EFSP 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: M37274EFSP
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分类和应用: 解码器显示控制器微控制器和处理器外围集成电路光电二极管瞄准线计算机可编程只读存储器时钟
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(5) Timer 5  
Timer 5 can select one of the following count sources:  
The M37271MF-XXXSP has 6 timers: timer 1, timer 2, timer 3,  
timer 4, timer 5, and timer 6. All timers are 8-bit timers with the 8-bit  
timer latch. The timer block diagram is shown in Figure 18.  
All of the timers count down and their divide ratio is 1/(n+1), where n  
is the value of timer latch. By writing a count value to the correspond-  
ing timer latch (addresses 00F016 to 00F316 : timers 1 to 4, addresses  
020C16 and 020D16 : timers 5 and 6), the value is also set to a timer,  
f(XIN)/16 or f(XCIN)/16  
Timer 2 overflow signal  
Timer 4 overflow signal  
The count source of timer 3 is selected by setting bit 6 of timer mode  
register 1 (address 00F416) and bit 7 of timer mode register 2 (ad-  
dress 00F516). When overflow of timer 2 or 4 is a count source for  
timer 5, either timer 2 or 4 functions as an 8-bit prescaler. Either  
f(XIN) or f(XCIN) is selected by bit 7 of the CPU mode register.  
Timer 5 interrupt request occurs at timer 5 overflow.  
The count value is decremented by 1. The timer interrupt request bit  
is set to “1” by a timer overflow at the next count pulse, after the  
count value reaches “0016”.  
(6) Timer 6  
Timer 6 can select one of the following count sources:  
(1) Timer 1  
f(XIN)/16 or f(XCIN)/16  
Timer 1 can select one of the following count sources:  
Timer 5 overflow signal  
f(XIN)/16 or f(XCIN)/16  
The count source of timer 6 is selected by setting bit 7 of timer mode  
register 1 (address 00F416). Either f(XIN) or f(XCIN) is selected by bit  
7 of the CPU mode register. When timer 5 overflow signal is a count  
source for timer 6, timer 5 functions as an 8-bit prescaler.  
Timer 6 interrupt request occurs at timer 6 overflow.  
f(XIN)/4096 or f(XCIN)/4096  
External clock from the P42 TIM2 pin  
The count source of timer 1 is selected by setting bits 5 and 0 of  
timer mode register 1 (address 00F416). Either f(XIN) or f(XCIN) is  
selected by bit 7 of the CPU mode register.  
Timer 1 interrupt request occurs at timer 1 overflow.  
At reset, timers 3 and 4 are connected by hardware and “FF16” is  
automatically set in timer 3; “0716” in timer 4. The f(XIN) /16 is se-  
(2) Timer 2  
lected as the timer 3 count source. The internal reset is released by  
timer 4 overflow in this state and the internal clock is connected.  
At execution of the STP instruction, timers 3 and 4 are connected by  
hardware and “FF16” is automatically set in timer 3; “0716” in timer 4.  
Timer 2 can select one of the following count sources:  
f(XIN)/16 or f(XCIN)/16  
Timer 1 overflow signal  
External clock from the TIM2 pin  
However, the f(XIN) /16 is not selected as the timer 3 count source.  
The count source of timer 2 is selected by setting bits 4 and 1 of  
timer mode register 1 (address 00F416). Either f(XIN) or f(XCIN) is  
selected by bit 7 of the CPU mode register. When timer 1 overflow  
signal is a count source for the timer 2, the timer 1 functions as an 8-  
bit prescaler.  
So set both bit 0 of timer mode register 2 (address 00F516) and bit 6  
at address 00C716 to “0” before execution of the STP instruction  
(f(XIN) /16 is selected as the timer 3 count source). The internal  
STP state is released by timer 4 overflow in this state and the inter-  
nal clock is connected.  
Timer 2 interrupt request occurs at timer 2 overflow.  
As a result of the above procedure, the program can start under a  
stable clock.  
(3) Timer 3  
: When bit 7 of the CPU mode register (CM7) is “1,” f(XIN) be-  
comes f(XCIN).  
Timer 3 can select one of the following count sources:  
f(XIN)/16 or f(XCIN)/16  
The structure of timer-related registers is shown in Figure 16 and 17.  
External clock from the TIM3 pin  
The count source of timer 3 is selected by setting bit 0 of timer mode  
register 2 (address 00F516) and bit 6 at address 00C716. Either f(XIN)  
or f(XCIN) is selected by bit 7 of the CPU mode register.  
Timer 3 interrupt request occurs at timer 3 overflow.  
(4) Timer 4  
Timer 4 can select one of the following count sources:  
f(XIN)/16 or f(XCIN)/16  
f(XIN)/2 or f(XCIN)/2  
The count source of timer 3 is selected by setting bits 1 and 4 of  
timer mode register 2 (address 00F516). Either f(XIN) or f(XCIN) is  
selected by bit 7 of the CPU mode register. When timer 3 overflow  
signal is a count source for the timer 4, the timer 3 functions as an 8-  
bit prescaler.  
Timer 4 interrupt request occurs at timer 4 overflow.  