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M37221EASP 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: M37221EASP
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(5) Bit 4: I C-BUS interface interrupt request bit (PIN)  
8.6.5 I C Status Register  
This bit generates an interrupt request signal. Each time 1-byte data  
is transmitted, the state of the PIN bit changes from “1” to “0.” At the  
same time, an interrupt request signal is sent to the CPU. The PIN bit  
is set to “0” in synchronization with a falling edge of the last clock  
(including the ACK clock) of an internal clock and an interrupt re-  
quest signal occurs in synchronization with a falling edge of the PIN  
bit. When detecting the STOP condition in slave, the multi-master  
The I C status register (address 00D916) controls the I C-BUS inter-  
face status. The low-order 4 bits are read-only bits and the high-  
order 4 bits can be read out and written to.  
(1) Bit 0: last receive bit (LRB)  
This bit stores the last bit value of received data and can also be  
used for ACK receive confirmation. If ACK is returned when an ACK  
clock occurs, the LRB bit is set to “0.” If ACK is not returned, this bit is  
set to “1.” Except in the ACK mode, the last bit value of received data  
is input. The state of this bit is changed from “1” to “0” by executing a  
I C-BUS interface interrupt request bit (IR) is set to “1” (interrupt re-  
quest) regardless of falling of PIN bit. When the PIN bit is “0,” the  
SCL is kept in the “0” state and clock generation is disabled. Figure  
8.6.8 shows an interrupt request signal generating timing chart.  
The PIN bit is set to “1” in any one of the following conditions.  
• Writing “1” to the PIN bit  
write instruction to the I C data shift register (address 00D716).  
(2) Bit 1: general call detecting flag (AD0)  
This bit is set to “1” when a general call whose address data is all  
• Executing a write instruction to the I C data shift register (address  
00D716) (See note)  
• When the ESO bit is “0”  
• At reset  
Note: It takes 8 BCLK cycles or more until PIN bit becomes “1” after write  
instructions are executed to these registers.  
“0” is received in the slave mode. By a general call of the master  
device, every slave device receives control data after the general  
call. The AD0 bit is set to “0” by detecting the STOP condition or  
START condition.  
The conditions in which the PIN bit is set to “0” are shown below:  
• Immediately after completion of 1-byte data transmission (includ-  
ing when arbitration lost is detected)  
• Immediately after completion of 1-byte data reception  
• In the slave reception mode, with ALS = “0” and immediately after  
completion of slave address or general call address reception  
• In the slave reception mode, with ALS = “1” and immediately after  
completion of address data reception  
General call: The master transmits the general call address “0016”  
to all slaves.  
(3) Bit 2: slave address comparison flag (AAS)  
This flag indicates a comparison result of address data.  
In the slave receive mode, when the 7-bit addressing format is  
selected, this bit is set to “1” in either of the following conditions.  
• The address data immediately after occurrence of a START con-  
dition matches the slave address stored in the high-order 7 bits  
(6) Bit 5: bus busy flag (BB)  
This bit indicates the status of the bus system. When this bit is set to  
“0,” this bus system is not busy and a START condition can be gen-  
erated. When this bit is set to “1,” this bus system is busy and the  
occurrence of a START condition is disabled by the START condition  
duplication prevention function (See note).  
of the I C address register (address 00D816).  
• A general call is received.  
In the slave reception mode, when the 10-bit addressing format is  
selected, this bit is set to “1” in the following condition.  
This flag can be written by software only in the master transmission  
mode. In the other modes, this bit is set to “1” by detecting a START  
condition and set to “0” by detecting a STOP condition. When the  
ESO bit of the I C control register (address 00DA16) is “0” at reset,  
the BB flag is kept in the “0” state.  
• When the address data is compared with the I C address regis-  
ter (8 bits consisting of slave address and RBW), the first bytes  
The state of this bit is changed from “1” to “0” by executing a write  
instruction to the I C data shift register (address 00D716).  
(7) Bit 6: communication mode specification bit  
(transfer direction specification bit: TRX)  
(4) Bit 3: arbitration lost detecting flag (AL)  
In the master transmission mode, when a device other than the mi-  
crocomputer sets the SDA to “L,”, arbitration is judged to have been  
lost, so that this bit is set to “1.” At the same time, the TRX bit is set to  
“0,” so that immediately after transmission of the byte whose arbitra-  
tion was lost is completed, the MST bit is set to “0.” When arbitration  
is lost during slave address transmission, the TRX bit is set to “0” and  
the reception mode is set. Consequently, it becomes possible to re-  
ceive and recognize its own slave address transmitted by another  
master device.  
This bit decides the direction of transfer for data communication. When  
this bit is “0,” the reception mode is selected and the data of a trans-  
mitting device is received. When the bit is “1,” the transmission mode  
is selected and address data and control data are output into the  
SDA in synchronization with the clock generated on the SCL.  
When the ALS bit of the I C control register (address 00DA16) is “0”  
in the slave reception mode, the TRX bit is set to “1” (transmit) if the  
least significant bit (R/W bit) of the address data transmitted by the  
master is “1.” When the ALS bit is “0” and the R/W bit is “0,” the TRX  
bit is cleared to “0” (receive).  
The TRX bit is cleared to “0” in one of the following conditions.  
• When arbitration lost is detected.  
• When a STOP condition is detected.  
Arbitration lost: The status in which communication as a master is  
• When occurence of a START condition is disabled by the START  
condition duplication prevention function (Note).  
• When MST = “0” and a START condition is detected.  
• When MST = “0” and ACK non-return is detected.  
• At reset  
Rev.1.00 Oct 01, 2002 page 37 of 110  