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PM73487 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: PM73487
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内容描述: 622 Mbps的ATM流量管理设备 [622 Mbps ATM Traffic Management Device]
分类和应用: 异步传输模式ATM
文件页数/大小: 251 页 / 2936 K
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PM73487 QRT  
PMC-Sierra, Inc.  
Issue 3  
622 Mbps ATM Traffic Management Device  
Layer Enable signal (/RATM_READ_EN). The SOC signal can arrive anywhere within  
this window and the data will be accepted. Customers will find this feature useful if glue  
logic is used for special PHY layer device adaptations. If, however, the SOC signal arrives  
after the four-cycle window, the QRT will dump the cell and enter recovery mode. Recov-  
ery mode is implemented for both single and multi-PHY configurations and provides  
robustness to the QRT in the event of a late SOC resulting from a reset PHY or a double  
SOC resulting from renegade PHY devices. The recovery mode performs precession in  
the ATM cell cycles that follow. This is necessary to bring a PHY device back into syn-  
chronization for slotted cell-level handshaking. SOC recovery performs the same func-  
tions for stuck-at faults in the SOC signal. When an SOC failure is detected, an interrupt is  
signaled at the processor interface. Transmit Watchdog  
The QRT transmit or egress UTOPIA interface has a function called the “watchdog”. The  
watchdog exists to protect the QRT VO queues from overflow if a PHY sink goes offline  
or stops requesting cells. The watchdog can be configured in the UTOPIA_CONFIG reg-  
ister in the processor interface (refer to “WD_TIME” on page 118). The watchdog can be  
turned off or set to tolerate either OC-3-, DS1-, or DS0-level outputs. The watchdog oper-  
ates by observing the liveliness of the Transmit UTOPIA ATM Layer Cell Available sig-  
nals (TATM_CLAV(3:0)). If the QRT determines a PHY device has stopped accepting  
cells, the cells intended for that PHY device are played out. Otherwise, if the PHY device  
can accept these cells and the TATM_CLAV(3:0) signal dormancy is due to a stuck-at  
fault, normal UTOPIA signaling at the lowest priority occurs whenever spare bandwidth is  
available. Transmit Parity  
The transmit UTOPIA interface performs UTOPIA Level 2 odd parity calculation over the  
Transmit UTOPIA ATM Layer Data signals (TATM_DATA(15:0)) for the PHY devices  
to use in error checking. ATM Clock Failure Detection  
The UTOPIA interface contains an ATM clock failure detection circuit. The detection cir-  
cuit samples the ATM clock with the high-frequency system clock and determines if the  
ATM clock possess signal changes. If the clock failure detection circuit is tripped, an  
interrupt is signaled at the processor interface. Receive Cell Available Signal Stuck at 1  
When a PHY interface device’s cell available signal is stuck at 1, the receive UTOPIA  
Level 2 interface limits the PHY to approximately one-half the receive side QRT band-  
width. This condition can result from a floating cell available line and should be avoided  
by designing pull-down resistors for the cell available lines. In the transmit direction, this  
is not such an issue, because the cell service is dependent on the presence of a cell bound  
for that PHY device. However, this condition should be minimized in the transmit direc-  
tion also.  