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PM7347-BI 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: PM7347-BI
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内容描述: SATURN用户网络接口的J2 / E3 / T3 [SATURN USER NETWORK INTERFACE for J2/E3/T3]
分类和应用: 网络接口
文件页数/大小: 341 页 / 1733 K
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S/UNI®-JET Data Sheet  
Pin Name  
The Reference 8kHz Output (REF8KO) is an 8kHz  
reference derived from the receive clock (RCLK). A free-  
running divide-down counter is used to generate  
REF8KO so it will not “glitch” on reframe actions.  
REF8KO will pulse high for approximately one RCLK  
cycle every 125 µs. REF8KO should be treated as a  
“glitch-free” asynchronous signal.  
The Receive PLCP Overhead Frame Position (RPOHFP)  
locates the individual PLCP path overhead bits in the  
receive overhead data stream, RPOH. RPOHFP is logic  
one while bit 1 (the most significant bit) of the path user  
channel octet (F1) is present in the RPOH stream.  
RPOHFP is updated on the falling edge of RPOHCLK.  
RPOHFP is available when the PLCPEN register bit is  
logic one in the SPLR Configuration Register.  
The Framer Receive Frame Pulse/Multi-frame Pulse  
(RFPO/RMFPO) is valid when the S/UNI-JET is  
configured to be in framer only mode. The 8KREFO bit  
must be set to logic zero in the S/UNI-JET Configuration  
RFPO is aligned to RDATO and indicates the position of  
the first bit in each DS3 M-subframe, the first bit in each  
G.751 E3 or G.832 E3 frame, or the first framing bit in  
each J2 frame  
RMFPO is aligned to RDATO and indicates the position  
of the first bit in each DS3 M-frame, the first bit in each  
G.751 or G.832 E3 multiframe, or the first framing bit in  
each J2 multiframe.  
RFPO/RMFPO is updated on either the falling or rising  
edge of RSCLK depending on the setting of the RSCLKR  
bit in the S/UNI-JET Receive Configuration Register.  
The Receive PLCP Overhead Data (RPOH) contains the  
PLCP path overhead octets (Zn, F1, B1, G1, M1, M2,  
and C1) extracted from the received PLCP frame when  
the PLCP layer is in-frame. When the PLCP layer is in  
the LOF state, RPOH is forced to all ones. The octet data  
on RPOH is shifted out in order from the most significant  
bit (bit 1) to the least significant bit (bit 8).  
RPOH is updated on the falling edge of RPOHCLK.  
The Framer Receive Overhead Indication (ROVRHD) is  
valid when the S/UNI-JET is configured as a DS3, E3, or  
J2 framer for non-ATM applications by setting the  
FRMRONLY bit in the S/UNI-JET Configuration 1  
Register. ROVRHD will be high whenever the data on  
RDATO corresponds to an overhead bit position.  
ROVRHD is updated on the either the falling or rising  
edge of RSCLK depending on the setting of the RSCLKR  
bit in the S/UNI-JET Receive Configuration Register.  
Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its Customers’ Internal Use  
Document ID: PMC-1990267, Issue 3  