PM73121ꢀAAL1gator II
Data Sheet
PMC-Sierra, Inc.
AAL1 SAR Processor
CSD_CONFIG Word Format
Field (Bits)
A 6-bit integer specifying the number of DS0s carried by this queue. If a queue serves
seven DS0s, initialize this field to 7. It is not used in UDF-ML and UDF-HS modes.
A 10-bit integer representing the average number of data bytes per cell measured in
eighths. The three LSBs represent bits after the fixed decimal point. Initialize to 46.875
(0101110.111) for full cells when in SDF-FR or SDF-MF mode. Initialize to 47
(0101111.000) for full cells when in UDF-ML mode or Single-DS0-no-pointer mode.
For partial cells, this value is the same as the partially filled value × 8. This field is not
used in UDF-HS mode.
T_CHANNEL_ALLOC(15:0) Word Format
Field (Bits)
A bit table with a bit set per DS0 allocated to this queue for DS0s 15 to 0 on the line
defined by queue ÷ 32. Initialize to the proper value for SDF-MF and SDF-FR modes
and to FFFFh for UDF-ML and UDF-HS modes.
T_CHANNEL_ALLOC(31:16) Word Format
Field (Bits)
A bit table with a bit set per DS0 allocated to this queue for DS0s 31 to 16 on the line
defined by queue ÷ 32. Initialize to the proper value. Initialize to the proper value for
SDF-MF and SDF-FR modes and to FFFFh for UDF-ML and UDF-HS modes.
T_CHANNEL_LEFT(15:0) Word Format
Field (Bits)
Initialize to the same value as T_CHAN_ALLOC(15:0).
T_CHANNEL_LEFT(31:16) Word Format
Field (Bits)
Initialize to the same value as T_CHAN_ALLOC(31:16).