PM73121ꢀAAL1gator II
Data Sheet
PMC-Sierra, Inc.
AAL1 SAR Processor
Field (Bits)
Set to 1 to suppress the generation of cells for this queue. Cells continue to be
scheduled, but are not built. This bit can be used to temporarily stop the generation of
cells while a queue is reconfigured, if the line configuration and number of timeslots
assigned to the queue do not change.
Not used
Write with a 0 to maintain future software compatibility.
7.6.9 RESERVED (Transmit Data Buffer)
NOTE: This structure is reserved and must be initialized to 0 at initial setup. Software modi-
fications to this location after setup will cause incorrect operation.
Organization: 4 kBytes × 8 lines - Each line is allocated a separate 128 frame buffer mem-
ory. For E1 applications, this is large enough to store eight multiframes (32 DS0s × 16
frames × 8 multiframes = 4096 bytes). In T1 mode, 96 frames or four multiframes are
stored (24 × 24 × 4 = 2880 bytes). T1 storage uses 32 bytes per frame and 32 frames
per multiframe to simplify address generation. Every data byte is stored in the multi-
frame line buffers in the order in which it arrives.
NOTE: If E1_with_T1_SIG is set (refer to bit 12 in section 7.4.3 “LIN_STR_MODE” start-
ing on page 126), data is arranged as if in T1 mode.
Base address: 04000h
Index(line): 800h
Type: Read/Write
Function: Stores the outgoing data.
Format: Two data bytes per word, 16 words per frame.
T_DATA_BUFFER_n Word Format
Field (Bits)
Transmit data for:
Channel = (offset mod 16) × 2 + 1.
E1 offset = line × 2048 + multiframe × 256 + frame × 16 + (channel - 1) ÷ 2.
T1 offset = line × 2048 + multiframe × 512 + frame × 16 + (channel - 1) ÷ 2.
Transmit data for:
Channel = (offset mod 16) × 2.
E1 offset = line × 2048 + multiframe × 256 + frame × 16 + channel ÷ 2.
T1 offset = line × 2048 + multiframe × 512 + frame × 16 + channel ÷ 2.