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PM5381 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: PM5381
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内容描述: SATURN用户网络接口,用于2488 Mbit / s的 [SATURN USER NETWORK INTERFACE FOR 2488 MBIT/S]
分类和应用: 网络接口
文件页数/大小: 487 页 / 2424 K
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PMC-Sierra, Inc.  
PM5381 S/UNI-2488  
The tail trace message must include synchronisation because the TTTP does not add  
synchronisation. The synchronisation mechanism is different for a 16 bytes message and for a  
64 bytes message. When the message is 16 bytes, the synchronisation is based on the MSB of  
the tail trace byte. Only one of the 16 bytes has is MSB set high. The byte with its MSB set high  
is considered the first byte of the message. When the message is 64 bytes, the synchronisation  
is based on the CR/LF (CR = 0Dh, LF = 0Ah) characters of tail trace message. The byte  
following the CR/LF bytes is considered the first byte of the message.  
To avoid generating an unstable/mismatch message, the TTTP forces the message to all zeros  
while the microprocessor updates the internal RAM.  
10.14 Transmit High Order Path Processor (THPP)  
The Transmit High Order Path Processor (THPP) block inserts the path overhead bytes in the  
transmit data stream.  
The THPP accumulates the path BIP-8 errors detected by the RHPP during the last receive  
frame. The path BIP-8 errors are returned to the far end as path remote error indication (REI-P)  
during the next transmit frame. Because the RHPP and the THPP are in two different clock  
domains, none, one or two path BIP-8 errors can be accumulated per transmit frame. The  
minimum value between the maximum REI-P and the accumulator count is returned as the path  
REI in the G1 byte. Optionally, block BIP-8 errors can be accumulated.  
The THPP serially inputs all the path overhead (POH) bytes from the TPOH port. The POH bytes  
must be input in the same order that they are transmitted (J1, B3, C2, G1, F2, H4, F3, K3 and  
N1). TOHCLK is the generated output clock used to provide timing for the TPOH port. TOHCLK  
is a nominal 20.736 MHz clock generated by gapping a 25.92 MHz clock. Sampling TPOHRDY  
high with the rising edge of TOHCLK identifies the MSB of the first J1 byte. TPOHEN port is used  
to validate the byte insertion on a byte per byte basis. When TPOHEN is sampled high on the  
MSB of the serial byte, the serial byte is inserted. When TPOHEN is sampled low on the MSB of  
the serial byte, the serial byte is discarded.  
The THPP calculates the path BIP-8 error detection code on the transmit data stream. The path  
BIP-8 byte is calculated on all the payload bytes. The path BIP-8 byte is based on a bit  
interleaved parity calculation using even parity. The calculated BIP-8 error detection code is  
inserted in the B3 byte of the following frame.  
10.15 Transmit Cell and Frame Processor (TCFP)  
The Transmit Cell and Frame Processor (TCFP) performs both ATM and PPP processing. It has  
the capability to process a single STS-48c (STM-16c) channel. In ATM mode, the TCFP performs  
provides rate adaptation via idle/unassigned cell insertion, provides HCS generation and  
insertion, and performs ATM cell scrambling. In POS mode, the TCFP provides rate adaptation by  
transmitting flag sequences (0x7E) between packets, provides FCS generation and insertion,  
performs packet data scrambling, and provides performance monitoring functions.  
Proprietary and Confidentail to PMC-Sierra Inc., and for its Customer’s Internal Use  