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PM5381 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: PM5381
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内容描述: SATURN用户网络接口,用于2488 Mbit / s的 [SATURN USER NETWORK INTERFACE FOR 2488 MBIT/S]
分类和应用: 网络接口
文件页数/大小: 487 页 / 2424 K
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PMC-Sierra, Inc.  
PM5381 S/UNI-2488  
10.17.1 Transmit UTOPIA Level 3 Interface  
The UTOPIA Level 3 compliant interface accepts a write clock (TFCLK), a write enable signal  
(TENB), the start of a cell (TSOC) indication and the parity bit (TPRTY) when data is written to the  
transmit FIFO (using the rising edges of the TFCLK). To reduce FIFO latency, the FIFO depth at  
which TCA indicates “full” can be configured from the TXSDQ. If the programmed depth is less  
than the TXSDQ FIFO capacity, more than one cell may be written after TCA is deasserted as the  
TXSDQ FIFO still allows the “maximum” cells to be stored in its FIFO. The interface provides the  
transmit cell available status (TCA) which can transition from "available" to "unavailable" when  
the transmit FIFO is near full or when the FIFO is full and can accept no more writes. The TCFP  
cell processor automatically transmit idle cells until a full cell is available to be transmitted.  
10.17.2 Transmit POS-PHY Level 3 Interface  
The POS-PHY Level 3 compliant interface accepts a write clock (TFCLK), a write enable signal  
(TENB), the start of packet (TSOP) indication, the end of packet (TEOP) indication, errored  
packet (TERR) indication and the parity bit (TPRTY) when data is written to the transmit FIFO  
(using the rising edges of the TFCLK). The TPA signal notifies that the transmit FIFO is not full  
(the POS processor will not start transmitting a packet until a programmable number of bytes for  
a single packet or the entire packet is in the FIFO). The TMOD signal (Transmit Mod) is provided  
to indicate whether 1, 2, 3, or 4 bytes are valid of the final word transfer (TEOP is asserted). A  
packet may be aborted by asserting the TERR signal at the end of the packet. The interface also  
indicates FIFO overruns via a maskable interrupt and register bits. The TCFP HDLC processor  
automatically transmits idle flag characters until sufficient data is available in the transmit TXSDQ  
to start transmission.  
10.18 SONET/SDH Bit Error Rate Monitor (SBER)  
The SBER block provides two independent bit error rate monitoring circuits (BERM block). It is  
used to monitor the Multiplexer Section BIP (B1) with one BERM block dedicated to monitor the  
Signal Degrade (SD) alarm and the other BERM block dedicated to monitor the Signal Fail (SF)  
alarm. These alarm can then be used to control system level features such as Automatic  
Protection Switching (APS).  
The BERM block utilizes a sliding window based algorithm.  
10.19 SONET/SDH Alarm Reporting Controller (SARC)  
The SARC block receives all the section, line, and path defects detected by the receive overhead  
processors and, according to user specific configuration, generates consequent action  
Proprietary and Confidentail to PMC-Sierra Inc., and for its Customer’s Internal Use  