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PM5381 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: PM5381
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内容描述: SATURN用户网络接口,用于2488 Mbit / s的 [SATURN USER NETWORK INTERFACE FOR 2488 MBIT/S]
分类和应用: 网络接口
文件页数/大小: 487 页 / 2424 K
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PMC-Sierra, Inc.  
PM5381 S/UNI-2488  
The F1 register enable (F1REGEN) bit controls the insertion of section user channel in the  
data stream. When F1REGEN is set to logic 1, the section user channel from the TRMP  
Transmit E1 and F1 register is inserted in the F1 byte of STS-1/STM-0 #1 according to the  
priority of Table 4. When F1REGEN is set to logic 0, the section user channel from the TRMP  
Transmit E1 and F1 register is not inserted.  
The D1 to D3 register enable (D1D3REGEN) bit controls the insertion of section data  
communication channel in the data stream. When D1D3REGEN is set to logic 1, the section  
DCC from the TRMP Transmit D1D3 and D4D12 register is inserted in the D1 to D3 bytes of  
STS-1/STM-0 #1 according to the priority of Table 4. When D1D3REGEN is set to logic 0,  
the section DCC from the TRMP Transmit D1D3 and D4D12 register is not inserted.  
The K1K2 register enable (K1K2REGEN) bit controls the insertion of automatic protection  
switching in the data stream. When K1K2REGEN is set to logic 1, the APS bytes from the  
TRMP Transmit K1 and K2 register are inserted in the K1, K2 bytes of STS-1/STM-0 #1  
according to the priority of Table 4. When K1K2REGEN is set to logic 0, the APS bytes from  
the TRMP Transmit K1 and K2 register are not inserted.  
The D4 to D12 register enable (D4D12REGEN) bit controls the insertion of line data  
communication channel in the data stream. When D4D12REGEN is set to logic 1, the line  
DCC from the TRMP Transmit D1D3 and D4D12 register is inserted in the D4 to D12 bytes of  
STS-1/STM-0 #1 according to the priority of Table 4. When D4D12REGEN is set to logic 0,  
the line DCC from the TRMP Transmit D1D3 and D4D12 register is not inserted.  
The S1 register enable (S1REGEN) bit controls the insertion of the synchronization status  
message in the data stream. When S1REGEN is set to logic 1, the SSM from the TRMP  
Transmit S1 and Z1 register is inserted in the S1 byte of STS-1/STM-0 #1 according to the  
priority of Table 4. When S1REGEN is set to logic 0, the SSM from the TRMP Transmit S1  
and Z1 register is not inserted.  
The Z1 register enable (Z1REGEN) bit controls the insertion of Z1 growth bytes in the data  
stream. When Z1REGEN is set to logic 1, the Z1 byte from the TRMP Transmit S1 and Z1  
register is inserted in the Z1 bytes according to the priority of Table 4. When Z1REGEN is set  
to logic 0, the Z1 byte from the TRMP Transmit S1 and Z1 register is not inserted.  
Proprietary and Confidentail to PMC-Sierra Inc., and for its Customer’s Internal Use  