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ACE9030MIWFP2Q 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: ACE9030MIWFP2Q
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内容描述: 无线接口和双合成器 [Radio Interface and Twin Synthesiser]
分类和应用: 无线
文件页数/大小: 39 页 / 382 K
 浏览型号ACE9030MIWFP2Q的Datasheet PDF文件第26页浏览型号ACE9030MIWFP2Q的Datasheet PDF文件第27页浏览型号ACE9030MIWFP2Q的Datasheet PDF文件第28页浏览型号ACE9030MIWFP2Q的Datasheet PDF文件第29页浏览型号ACE9030MIWFP2Q的Datasheet PDF文件第31页浏览型号ACE9030MIWFP2Q的Datasheet PDF文件第32页浏览型号ACE9030MIWFP2Q的Datasheet PDF文件第33页浏览型号ACE9030MIWFP2Q的Datasheet PDF文件第34页  
The reference divider needs to produce the main com-  
the negative numbers need more processing to avoid nega-  
tive N2 values. The simplest answer is to add an offset to the  
channel number and then subtract an equivalent value from  
the N1 equation. As the channels are in blocks of 32 for the  
and the most negative channel is –719 so the lowest suitable  
offset value is 736 (that is 23 x 32). This gives the following  
steps for all TACS/ETACS channels:  
parison frequency of 12·5 kHz from the crystal at 14·85 MHz,  
a ratio of 1188, which can be formed by a NR of 1188 followed  
by a SM select giving ÷1, or 594 followed by ÷2, or by 297 and  
÷4. The auxiliary divider must divide 90 MHz down to the  
auxiliary comparison frequency, which is related to the main  
comparison frequency but can usefully be larger. Using  
12·5 kHz needs a ratio of 7200 which is too large a value for  
NA, 25 kHz needs 3600 and could be used, but 50 kHz and a  
ratio of 1800 helps to minimise loop filter size. With this choice  
the values to be set are:  
CNOFF = Channel Number + 736  
CB32 = int((CNOFF – 1) ÷ 32)  
CN2 = CNOFF – (32 x CB32)  
N2 = (2 x CN2) – 1  
NR = 297, to give 50 kHz into SA, SM selector.  
SA = 00, to give ÷1, and leave 50 kHz for auxiliary  
comparison frequency.  
N1 = 1202 – N2 + CB32  
SM = 01, to give ÷4, and hence 12·5 kHz for main  
These operations are given in easy to understand stages  
but in a real system it could be more efficient to combine or  
rearrange some steps. If a high level language is used then  
integer and remainder functions might be available and could  
save a little programming time, whereas if low level or assem-  
bler language is used an integer function will need to be built,  
in this case by a 5 bit right shift to both divide by 32 and to lose  
the fraction.  
It might be noticed that avoiding N2 = 0 was very easy as  
kHz offset from band edges. Other systems do not have this  
offset so a little care is needed in choosing constants in the  
corresponding equations.  
son frequency.  
NA = 1800, to give 90 MHz.  
In this example Fractional-N operation is not chosen, but if it  
is required then SM should be set to 00 to give 50 kHz  
comparison frequency in both synthesisers and then fractions  
of 1/4 or 3/4 used by setting NF = 2 or 6, with FMOD set to 1 to  
give /8’s. The values of N1 and N2 can then be found by  
following a procedure similar to the following.  
For the main synthesiser, starting at channel 1, to divide  
980·0125 MHz down to 12·5 kHz is a total ratio of 78401 and  
this will be split between the prescaler and the ACE9030  
programmable divider. A ÷64/65 prescaler is most common,  
and will be in ÷64 mode as its normal state, so the 78401 can  
besplitintoa÷64followedby÷1225witharemainderof1. The  
remainder is achieved by setting the prescaler to ÷65 for 1  
cycle, sousingR1=64, andR2=65theprogrammablevalues  
can be:  
Without using the Fractional-N mode the loop will lock the  
VCO frequency, fVCO to the comparison frequency, fCOMP at a  
multiple set by the total division ratio NTOT, where:  
NTOT = (N1 + N2) x R1 + N2  
N2 = 1, and (N1 + N2) = 1225, thus N1 = 1224  
These values are suitable for use but are not the only  
possible set - if desired N2 can be increased to 65 if N1 is  
reduced to 1160. The actual choice in practice is set by  
whichever gives the more convenient mathematics in the  
system controller, the only limits are the basic equation:  
NTOT =(N1+N2) x R1+N2, whichmustbemetforallchannels  
of 256 so for easy calculations N2 0 (in practice for a TACS  
system not using Fractional-N all N2 values are odd numbers  
so 0 is never needed).  
From these equations it can be seen that if NTOT is an  
integer the minimum frequency step is fCOMP. It is not possible  
to make a non-integer divider but by alternating the ratio  
between NTOT and NTOT + 1 in a suitable pattern the effect of a  
fractional increase in NTOT can be achieved. This is called  
Fractional-N operation.  
The control of the pattern of NTOT and NTOT + 1 cycles is by  
an accumulator set to count with a modulus equal to the  
fractional denominator and which adds the numerator of the  
fraction every comparison cycle. When the accumulator over-  
flows by its value exceeding the value of the denominator the  
total division ratio is increased for one cycle. In ACE9030 the  
choice of denominator is 5 or 8 and is set by the FMOD bit in  
Word D, the numerator is set by the three NF bits in Word A or  
A2 and the increase in total division from NTOT to NTOT + 1 is  
done by changing the modulus control signal to the prescaler  
so that an R1 cycle becomes an R1 + 1 cycle.  
Other channels can easily be added, without forgetting  
that each channel is two comparison steps (2 x 12·5 kHz)  
above the next lower, so for channels 1 to 32,  
N2 = 2 x Channel Number – 1, and N1 = 1225 – N2  
and for channels 33 to 64,  
N2 = 2 ( Channel Number – 32 ) – 1, and N1 = 1226 – N2  
As an example of the operation of the accumulator  
consider FMOD set HIGH to give modulo-8 counting and NF  
set to 011 to give a 3/8 fraction and the accumulator starting at  
any arbitrary value as shown in table 7.  
From this table it can be seen that the pattern repeats every  
8cyclesandthattheratioisincrementedfor3ofeach8, giving  
the desired NTOT + 3/8. It can be shown that the pattern always  
repeats every 8 cycles, or whatever modulus is chosen for all  
fractions and that the number of NTOT + 1 cycles is always the  
fractional numerator.  
Rather than having several sets of separate equations for  
each group of channels it is possible to combine them all into  
one set by adding two variables to split the channel number  
into a modulo-32 and a remainder number. Let C32 =  
int((Channel Number – 1) ÷ 32), where “int(x)” means the  
N2 = (2 x CN2) –1, and N1 = 1225 – N2 + C32  
By spreading the (NTOT + 1) counts throughout the pattern  
rather than having them as a continuous block the loop is less  
These are clearly valid for channels 1 to 600 (the original  
TACS channels) but to cover the extra channels for ETACS  