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PIC18F4431-I/P 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: PIC18F4431-I/P
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内容描述: 28 /40/ 44引脚增强型闪存微控制器采用纳瓦技术,高性能PWM和A / D [28/40/44-Pin Enhanced Flash Microcontrollers with nanoWatt Technology, High-Performance PWM and A/D]
分类和应用: 闪存微控制器
文件页数/大小: 392 页 / 3127 K
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The stack space is not part of either program or data  
space. The Stack Pointer is readable and writable, and  
the address on the top of the stack is readable and  
writable through the Top-of-Stack (TOS) Special Function  
Registers. Data can also be pushed to, or popped from,  
the stack using the Top-of-Stack SFRs. Status bits  
indicate if the stack is full, has overflowed or underflowed.  
The Program Counter (PC) specifies the address of the  
instruction to fetch for execution. The PC is 21 bits wide  
and contained in three 8-bit registers. The low byte,  
known as the PCL register, is both readable and writ-  
able. The high byte (PCH register) contains the  
PC<15:8> bits and is not directly readable or writable.  
Updates to the PCH register are performed through the  
PCLATH register. The upper byte is the PCU register  
and contains the bits, PC<20:16>. This register is also  
not directly readable or writable. Updates to the PCU  
register are performed through the PCLATU register.  
Top-of-Stack Access  
The top of the stack is readable and writable. Three  
register locations, TOSU, TOSH and TOSL, hold the  
contents of the stack location pointed to by the  
STKPTR register (Figure 6-3). This allows users to  
implement a software stack if necessary. After a CALL,  
RCALLor interrupt, the software can read the pushed  
value by reading the TOSU, TOSH and TOSL registers.  
These values can be placed on a user-defined software  
stack. At return time, the software can replace the  
TOSU, TOSH and TOSL and do a return.  
The contents of PCLATH and PCLATU are transferred  
to the program counter by any operation that writes to  
the PCL. Similarly, the upper two bytes of the program  
counter are transferred to PCLATH and PCLATU by an  
operation that reads PCL. This is useful for computed  
offsets to the PC (see Section “Computed  
The user must disable the global interrupt enable bits  
while accessing the stack to prevent inadvertent stack  
The PC addresses bytes in the program memory. To  
prevent the PC from becoming misaligned with word  
instructions, the Least Significant bit of the PCL is fixed  
to a value of ‘0‘. The PC increments by two to address  
sequential instructions in the program memory.  
Return Stack Pointer (STKPTR)  
The STKPTR register (Register 6-1) contains the Stack  
Pointer value, the STKFUL (Stack Full) status bit and  
the STKUNF (Stack Underflow) status bits. The value  
of the Stack Pointer can be 0 through 31. The Stack  
Pointer increments before values are pushed onto the  
stack and decrements after values are popped off the  
stack. At Reset, the Stack Pointer value will be zero.  
The user may read and write the Stack Pointer value.  
This feature can be used by a Real-Time Operating  
System (RTOS) for return stack maintenance.  
The CALL, RCALL, GOTOand program branch instruc-  
tions write to the program counter directly. For these  
instructions, the contents of PCLATH and PCLATU are  
not transferred to the program counter.  
The return address stack allows any combination of up  
to 31 program calls and interrupts to occur. The PC  
(Program Counter) is pushed onto the stack when a  
CALLor RCALLinstruction is executed, or an interrupt  
is Acknowledged. The PC value is pulled off the stack  
on a RETURN, RETLW or a RETFIE instruction.  
PCLATU and PCLATH are not affected by any of the  
RETURNor CALLinstructions.  
After the PC is pushed onto the stack 31 times (without  
popping any values off the stack), the STKFUL bit is  
set. The STKFUL bit is cleared by software or by a  
The action that takes place when the stack becomes  
full depends on the state of the STVREN (Stack Over-  
flow Reset Enable) Configuration bit. (Refer to  
Section 23.1 “Configuration Bits” for a description of  
the device Configuration bits.) If STVREN is set  
(default), the 31st push will push the (PC + 2) value  
onto the stack, set the STKFUL bit and reset the  
device. The STKFUL bit will remain set and the Stack  
Pointer will be set to zero.  
The stack operates as a 31-word by 21-bit RAM and a  
5-bit Stack Pointer, with the Stack Pointer initialized to  
00000b after all Resets. There is no RAM associated  
with Stack Pointer, 00000b. This is only a Reset value.  
During a CALLtype instruction, causing a push onto the  
stack, the Stack Pointer is first incremented and the  
RAM location pointed to by the Stack Pointer is written  
with the contents of the PC (already pointing to the  
instruction following the CALL). During a RETURNtype  
instruction, causing a pop from the stack, the contents  
of the RAM location pointed to by the STKPTR are  
transferred to the PC and then the Stack Pointer is  
If STVREN is cleared, the STKFUL bit will be set on the  
31st push and the Stack Pointer will increment to 31.  
Any additional pushes will not overwrite the 31st push  
and STKPTR will remain at 31.  
DS39616D-page 62  
2010 Microchip Technology Inc.  