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8840 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: 8840
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内容描述: 在系统可编程SuperBIG⑩高密度PLD [In-System Programmable SuperBIG⑩ High Density PLD]
文件页数/大小: 23 页 / 305 K
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Specifications ispLSI 8840  
ispLSI 8000 Family Description (Continued)  
and the Global Routing Plane between the Big Fast  
Megablocks. The Big Fast Megablock Routing Pool con-  
tains general purpose tracks which interconnect the six  
GLBs within the Big Fast Megablock and dedicated  
tracks for the signals from the Big Fast Megablock I/O  
cells. The Global Routing Plane contains general pur-  
pose tracks that interconnect the Big Fast Megablocks  
and also carry the signals from the I/Os connected to the  
Global Routing Plane.  
cells with optional I/O registers. The Global Routing  
Plane which interconnects the Big Fast Megablocks has  
an additional 144 global I/Os with optional I/O registers.  
Outputs from the GLBs in a Big Fast Megablock can drive  
both the Big Fast Megablock Routing Pool within the Big  
Fast Megablock and the Global Routing Plane between  
the Big Fast Megablocks. Switching resources are pro-  
vided to allow signals in the Global Routing Plane to drive  
any or all the Big Fast Megablocks in the device. This  
mechanism allows fast, efficient connections, both within  
the Big Fast Megablocks and between them.  
Control signals for the I/O cell registers are generated  
using an extra product term within each GLB, or using  
dedicated input pins. Each GLB has two extra product  
terms beyond the 80 available for the macrocell logic.  
The first additional product term is used as an optional  
GLB. The second additional product term is then routed  
to an I/O Control Bus using a separate routing structure  
from the Big Fast Megablock Routing Pool and Global  
Routing Plane. Use of a separate control bus routing  
structure allows the I/O registers to have many control  
andBigFastMegablocks. TheI/OControlBusissplitinto  
four quadrants, each servicing the I/O cell control re-  
quirements for one edge of the device. Signals in the  
control bus can be independently selected by any or all  
I/O cells to act as clock, clock enable, output enable,  
reset or preset.  
Each GLB contains 20 macrocells and a fully populated,  
programmable AND-array with 82 logic product terms.  
The GLB has 44 inputs from the Big Fast Megablock  
mentformforeveryproductterm. Upto20oftheseinputs  
can be switched to provide local feedback into the GLB  
for logic functions that require it. The 80 general-purpose  
product terms can be grouped into 20 sets of four and  
sent into a Product Term Sharing Array (PTSA) which  
allows sharing up to a maximum of 28 product terms for  
a single function. Alternatively, the PTSA can be by-  
passed for functions of four product terms or less.  
20 outputs from the PTSA or the PTSA bypass. Each  
macrocell contains a programmable XOR gate, a pro-  
grammable register/latch/toggle flip-flop and the  
necessary clocks and control logic to allow combinatorial  
or registered operation. Each macrocell has two outputs,  
one output can be fed back inside the GLB to the AND-  
array, while the other output drives both the Big Fast  
Megablock Routing Pool and the Global Routing Plane.  
This dual output capability from the macrocell allows  
efficient use of the hardware resources. One output can  
be a registered function for example, while the other  
output can be an unrelated combinatorial function.  
Each Big Fast Megablock has 24 I/O cells. The Global  
Routing Pool has 144 I/O cells. Each I/O cell can be  
configured as a combinatorial input, combinatorial out-  
put, registered input, registered output or bidirectional  
I/O. I/O cell registers can be clocked from one of several  
global, local or product term clocks which are selected  
from the I/O control bus. A global and product term clock  
enable is also provided, eliminating the need for the user  
togatetheclocktotheI/Ocellregisters. Resetandpreset  
for the I/O cell register is provided from both global and  
product term signals. The polarity of all of these control  
signals is selectable on an individual I/O cell basis. The  
I/O cell register can be programmed to operate as a D-  
type register or a D-type latch.  
Macrocell registers can be clocked from one of several  
global, local or product term clocks available on the  
device. A global, local and product term clock enable is  
also provided, eliminating the need to gate the clock to  
register is provided from both global and product term  
signals. The polarity of all of these control signals is  
selectable on an individual macrocell basis. The macro-  
cell register can be programmed to operate as a D-type  
register, a D-type flow-through latch or a T-type flip flop.  
Inputs and outputs are PCI compatible. The input thresh-  
old is fixed at TTL levels. The output driver can source  
4mA and sink 8mA. The output drivers have a separate  
VCCIO power supply which is independent of the main  
VCC supply for the device. This feature allows the output  
drivers to run from either 5V or 3.3V while the device logic  
is always powered from 5V. The output drivers also  
provide individually programmable edge rates and open  
The 20 outputs from the GLB can drive both the Big Fast  
Megablock Routing Pool within the Big Fast Megablock  