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NZ48F4000L0ZBQ0 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: NZ48F4000L0ZBQ0
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内容描述: 1.8 ?伏?英特尔? StrataFlash㈢ ?无线存储器?与? 3.0伏? I / O ? ( L30 ) [1.8 Volt Intel StrataFlash㈢ Wireless Memory with 3.0-Volt I/O (L30)]
分类和应用: 存储无线
文件页数/大小: 100 页 / 1405 K
 浏览型号NZ48F4000L0ZBQ0的Datasheet PDF文件第29页浏览型号NZ48F4000L0ZBQ0的Datasheet PDF文件第30页浏览型号NZ48F4000L0ZBQ0的Datasheet PDF文件第31页浏览型号NZ48F4000L0ZBQ0的Datasheet PDF文件第32页浏览型号NZ48F4000L0ZBQ0的Datasheet PDF文件第34页浏览型号NZ48F4000L0ZBQ0的Datasheet PDF文件第35页浏览型号NZ48F4000L0ZBQ0的Datasheet PDF文件第36页浏览型号NZ48F4000L0ZBQ0的Datasheet PDF文件第37页  
28F640L30, 28F128L30, 28F256L30  
Read operation while performing Buffered EFP is not supported.  
1. Word buffer boundaries in the array are determined by A[4:0] (0x00 through 0x1F). The alignment start point  
is A[4:0] = 0x00.  
2. Some degradation in performance may occur if this limit is exceeded, but the internal algorithm continues to  
work properly.  
3. If the internal address counter increments beyond the block's maximum address, addressing wraps around to  
the beginning of the block.  
4. If the number of words is less than 32, remaining locations must be filled with 0xFFFF.  
Buffered EFP Setup Phase  
After receiving the Buffered EFP Setup and Confirm command sequence, Status Register bit SR[7]  
(Ready) is cleared, indicating that the WSM is busy with Buffered EFP algorithm startup. A delay  
before checking SR[7] is required to allow the WSM enough time to perform all of its setups and  
checks (Block-Lock status, VPP level, etc.). If an error is detected, SR[4] is set and Buffered EFP  
operation terminates. If the block was found to be locked, SR[1] is also set. SR[3] is set if the error  
occurred due to an incorrect VPP level.  
Note: Reading from the device after the Buffered EFP Setup and Confirm command sequence outputs  
Status Register data. Do not issue the Read Status Register command; it will be interpreted as data  
to be loaded into the buffer.  
Buffered EFP Program/Verify Phase  
After the Buffered EFP Setup Phase has completed, the host programming system must check  
SR[7,0] to determine the availability of the write buffer for data streaming. SR[7] cleared indicates  
the device is busy and the Buffered EFP program/verify phase is activated. SR[0] indicates the  
write buffer is available.  
Two basic sequences repeat in this phase: loading of the write buffer, followed by buffer data  
programming to the array. For Buffered EFP, the count value for buffer loading is always the  
maximum buffer size of 32 words. During the buffer-loading sequence, data is stored to sequential  
buffer locations starting at address 0x00. Programming of the buffer contents to the flash memory  
array starts as soon as the buffer is full. If the number of words is less than 32, the remaining buffer  
locations must be filled with 0xFFFF.  
Caution: The buffer must be completely filled for programming to occur. Supplying an address outside of the  
current block's range during a buffer-fill sequence causes the algorithm to exit immediately. Any  
data previously loaded into the buffer during the fill cycle is not programmed into the array.  
The starting address for data entry must be buffer size aligned, if not the Buffered EFP algorithm  
will be aborted and the program fail (SR[4]) flag will be set.  
Data words from the write buffer are directed to sequential memory locations in the flash memory  
array; programming continues from where the previous buffer sequence ended. The host  
programming system must poll SR[0] to determine when the buffer program sequence completes.  
SR[0] cleared indicates that all buffer data has been transferred to the flash array; SR[0] set  
indicates that the buffer is not available yet for the next fill cycle. The host system may check full  
status for errors at any time, but it is only necessary on a block basis after Buffered EFP exit. After  
the buffer fill cycle, no write cycles should be issued to the device until SR.0 = 0 and the device is  
ready for the next buffer fill.  