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326769-002 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: 326769-002
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内容描述: 移动第三代英特尔®科雷亚?? ¢处理器家族 [Mobile 3rd Generation Intel® Core™ Processor Family]
文件页数/大小: 342 页 / 2513 K
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Processor Configuration Registers  
Example: 5 GB of Physical Memory, with 1 GB allocated to Memory Mapped IO  
• Populated Physical Memory = 5 GB  
• Address Space allocated to memory mapped IO (including Flash, APIC, and Intel  
TXT) = 1 GB  
• Remapped Physical Memory = 1 GB  
• TOM – 01_4000_0000h (5 GB)  
• ME stolen size – 00000b (0 MB)  
• TOUUD – 01_8000_0000h (6 GB) (1 MB aligned)  
• TOLUD – 00_C000_000h (3 GB)  
• REMAPBASE – 01_4000_0000h (5 GB)  
• REMAPLIMIT – 01_7FF0_0000h (6 GB–1)  
The Remap window is inclusive of the Base and Limit addresses. In the decoder  
A[19:0] of the Remap Base Address are assumed to be 0s. Similarly, A[19:0] of the  
Remap Limit Address are assumed to be Fs. Thus, the bottom of the defined memory  
range will be aligned to a MB boundary and the top of the defined range will be one less  
than a MB boundary.  
Setting the Remap Base register to a value greater than that programmed into the  
Remap Limit register disables the remap function.  
Software Responsibility and Restrictions  
• BIOS is responsible for programming the REMAPBASE and REMAPLIMIT registers  
based on the values in the TOLUD, TOM, and Intel ME stolen size registers.  
• The amount of remapped memory defined by the REMAPBASE and REMAPLIMIT  
registers must be equal to the amount of physical memory between the TOLUD  
and the lower of either 4 GB or TOM minus the Intel ME stolen size.  
• Addresses of MMIO region must not overlap with any part of the Logical Address  
Memory Remap range.  
• When TOM is equal to TOLUD, remap is not needed and must be disabled by  
programming REMAPBASE to a value greater than the value in the REMAPLIMIT  
Interaction with other Overlapping Address Space  
The following Memory Mapped IO address spaces are all logically addressed below 4 GB  
where they do not overlap the logical address of the re-mapped memory region:  
At (TOLUD – GFXstolensize) to TOLUD  
At ((TOLUD – GFXstolensize) – GFXGTTstolensize) to (TOLUD –  
At ((TOLUD – GFXstolensize – GFXGTTstolensize) – TSEGSIZE) to  
(TOLUD – GFXGTTstolensize – GFXstolensize)  
High BIOS  
Reset vector just under 4 GB boundary (Positive decode to DMI  
At fixed address below 4 GB  
At fixed address below 4 GB  
Local APIC  
Datasheet, Volume 2  