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319973-003 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: 319973-003
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内容描述: 英特尔I / O控制器中枢10 [Intel I/O Controller Hub 10]
分类和应用: 控制器
文件页数/大小: 840 页 / 5889 K
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Functional Description  
Handling an Intruder  
The ICH10 has an input signal, INTRUDER#, that can be attached to a switch that is  
activated by the system’s case being open. This input has a two RTC clock debounce. If  
INTRUDER# goes active (after the debouncer), this will set the INTRD_DET bit in the  
TCO_STS register. The INTRD_SEL bits in the TCO_CNT register can enable the ICH10  
to cause an SMI# or interrupt. The BIOS or interrupt handler can then cause a  
transition to the S5 state by writing to the SLP_EN bit.  
The software can also directly read the status of the INTRUDER# signal (high or low) by  
clearing and then reading the INTRD_DET bit. This allows the signal to be used as a GPI  
if the intruder function is not required.  
If the INTRUDER# signal goes inactive some point after the INTRD_DET bit is written  
as a 1, then the INTRD_DET signal will go to a 0 when INTRUDER# input signal goes  
inactive. Note that this is slightly different than a classic sticky bit, since most sticky  
bits would remain active indefinitely when the signal goes active and would  
immediately go inactive when a 1 is written to the bit.  
The INTRD_DET bit resides in the ICH10’s RTC well, and is set and cleared  
synchronously with the RTC clock. Thus, when software attempts to clear INTRD_DET  
(by writing a 1 to the bit location) there may be as much as two RTC clocks (about  
65 µs) delay before the bit is actually cleared. Also, the INTRUDER# signal should be  
asserted for a minimum of 1 ms to ensure that the INTRD_DET bit will be set.  
If the INTRUDER# signal is still active when software attempts to clear the INTRD_DET  
bit, the bit remains set and the SMI is generated again immediately. The SMI handler  
can clear the INTRD_SEL bits to avoid further SMIs. However, if the INTRUDER# signal  
goes inactive and then active again, there will not be further SMIs, since the  
INTRD_SEL bits would select that no SMI# be generated.  
Detecting Improper Firmware Hub Programming  
The ICH10 can detect the case where the BIOS flash is not programmed. This results in  
the first instruction fetched to have a value of FFh. If this occurs, the ICH10 sets the  
BAD_BIOS bit. The BIOS flash may reside in FWH or flash on the SPI bus.  
Heartbeat and Event Reporting via SMLink/SMBus  
Heartbeat and event reporting via SMLink/SMBus is no longer supported. The Intel AMT  
logic in ICH10 can be programmed to generate an interrupt to the Intel Management  
Engine when an event occurs. The Intel Management Engine will poll the TCO registers  
to gather appropriate bits to send the event message to the Gigabit Ethernet controller,  
if Intel Management Engine is programmed to do so.  
The Intel Management Engine is responsible for sending ASF 2.0 messages if  
programmed to do so.  
In Advanced TCO BMC mode, the external micro-controller (BMC) accesses the TCO  
info through SMBus.  