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249033-001 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: 249033-001
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内容描述: 集成的T1 LH / SH收发器,用于DS1 / DSX - 1或PRI应用 [Integrated T1 LH/SH Transceiver for DS1/DSX-1 or PRI Applications]
文件页数/大小: 48 页 / 789 K
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LXT362 Integrated T1 LH/SH Transceiver for DS1/DSX-1 or PRI Applications  
In-Band Network Loop Up or Down Code Generator  
In-band Network Loop Up or Loop Down code transmission is available in Host mode only. The  
Loop Up code is 00001; Loop Down code is 001. A Loop Up code transmission occurs when bits  
CR2.EPAT0 = 1 and CR2.EPAT1 = 0. A Loop Down code transmission occurs when CR2.EPAT0 =  
1 and CR2.EPAT1 = 1.  
With this mode is active, logic errors and bipolar violations can be inserted into the transmit data  
stream. Inserting a logic error requires a Low-to-High transition of the INSLER pin. If no logic or  
bit errors are to be inserted, INSLER must remain Low. A Low-to-High transition on the INSBPV  
pin will insert a bipolar violation, regardless of whether the device is in the Unipolar or Bipolar  
mode of operation.  
Error Insertion and Detection  
Bipolar Violation Insertion (INSBPV)  
The INSBPV function is available in Unipolar mode. Sampling occurs on the falling edge of  
TCLK. A Low-to-High transition on the INSBPV pin inserts a BPV on the next available mark,  
except in the four following situations:  
When zero suppression (B8ZS) is not violated  
When LLOOP and TAOS are both active. In this case, the BPV is looped back to the BPV pin  
and the line driver transmits all ones with no violation.  
When RLOOP is active  
When NLOOP is active  
Note that when the LXT362 is configured to transmit internally generated data patterns (QRSS or  
NLOOP), a BPV can be inserted on the transmit pattern regardless of whether the device is in the  
Unipolar or Bipolar mode of operation.  
Logic Error Insertion (INSLER)  
When transmission of QRSS or NLOOP Up/Down codes are active, a logic error is inserted into  
the transmit data pattern when a Low-to-High transition occurs on the INSLER pin. Note that in  
QRSS mode, logic error insertion is inhibited on a jammed bit (i.e. a bit forced to one to suppress  
transmission of more than 14 consecutive zeros).  
The transceiver treats data patterns the same way it treats data applied to TPOS/TNEG. Therefore,  
the inserted logic error will follow the data flow path as defined by the active loopback mode  
Logic Error Detection (QPD)  
After pattern synchronization is detected in QRSS mode, subsequent logic errors are reported on  
the QPD pin. If a logic error occurs, the QPD pin goes High for half an RCLK cycle. Note that in  
Host mode, the precise relationship between QPD and RCLK depends on the value of the CLKE  
pin. When CLKE is Low, QPD goes High while RCLK is High; when CLKE is High, QPD goes  
High while RCLK is Low. To tally logic errors, connect an error counter to QPD. A continuous  
High on this pin indicates loss of either the QRSS pattern lock or a LOS condition. Quasi-Random  
Signal Source (QRSS)on page 24 provides additional details on QRSS pattern lock criteria.  