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TW8 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: TW8
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Serial Configuration Mode  
Jan 9, 2013 Page SC24/36  
ternal quality monitoring; it may also be read direct-  
ly from the VAR block in internal memory via the  
serial ports (see Programmer’s Reference).  
STATUS Pin Configuration  
If neither the ADC quality monitor nor the adaption  
quality monitor is used, the STATUS Pin Configu-  
ration tab may be ignored in its entirety. If either of  
the quality monitors is used, use the STATUS Pin  
Configuration tab to set the polarity and mode of the  
STATUS output (pin 19).  
Adaption Quality Monitor  
If Use Adaption Faults? = No in the FAULT Pin  
Configuration tab, the Adaption Quality Monitor tab  
can be ignored in its entirety. If Use Adaption  
Faults? = Yes in the FAULT Pin Configuration tab,  
use the Adaption Quality Monitor tab to enable or  
disable the adaption quality monitor. If the adaption  
quality monitor is not used, the remainder of the  
Adaption Quality Monitor tab may be ignored.  
The STATUS output is a pulse-width modulated  
signal whose duty cycle is proportional to the out-  
puts of the enabled quality monitors. PWM polarity  
determines whether the duty cycle increases of de-  
creases for an increasing value from the quality  
monitors while PWM mode determines whether the  
STATUS output response is linear or logarithmic.  
Logarithmic mode is useful when driving an LED  
from the STATUS output so that the intensity or  
color is proportional to the PWM duty cycle. The  
design tool graph shows the configured response.  
If the adaption quality monitor is used, enter the de-  
sired offset, gain match, and phase adaption quality  
threshold levels. These levels are the cumulative  
amount of adaption that is considered to be the  
boundary between acceptable and marginal opera-  
tion for the application. The design tool shows the  
closest possible (actual) quality threshold levels and  
the desired and actual fault levels from the FAULT  
Pin Configuration tab.  
LUT Configuration  
The sensor distortion lookup table (LUT) can be  
enabled or disabled in the LUT Configuration tab. If  
the LUT is not used, the remainder of the LUT Con-  
figuration tab may be ignored. See Using the LUT  
on page 34 for information on configuring the LUT.  
In operation, the iC-TW8 continuously calculates  
the variable QM_ADAPT as  
QM_ADAPT moffs moffc mgainmphase  
CFG Block  
The CFG Block tab shows the complete iC-TW8  
configuration (as determined by the preceding tabs)  
as stored in the CFG Block in internal memory (see  
Programmer’s Reference). CFG Block register val-  
ues are shown in decimal, hexadecimal, and binary  
as a reference for troubleshooting.  
where moffs, moffc, mgain, and mphase are values  
between 0 (total adaption < adaption quality thresh-  
old) and 255 (total adaption adaption quality  
threshold) of the Sin channel offset, Cos channel  
offset, gain match, and phase adaption quality moni-  
tors respectively. Between the quality threshold lev-  
el and the fault level, moffs, moffc, mgain, and  
mphase are proportional to the total cumulative  
amount of adaption of the respective parameter as  
shown in the design tool graphs.  
GUI Hex  
The GUI Hex tab shows the complete iC-TW8 con-  
figuration (as determined by the preceding tabs) in  
the format used by the Graphical User Interface  
software Hex Editor. After using the design tool to  
configure the iC-TW8, type these values into the  
corresponding address locations in the GUI Hex Ed-  
itor tab to transfer the configuration to the actual  
QM_ADAPT is the sum of these four values and  
thus indicates the relative quality (amount) of pa-  
rameter adaption. QM_ADAPT is a component of  
the PWM signal that drives the STATUS output (pin  
19) for external quality monitoring; it may also be  
read directly from the VAR block in internal  
memory via the serial ports (see Programmer’s Ref-  
erence). When QM_ADAPT reaches 255, an adap-  
tion fault is activated.  
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