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TW8 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: TW8
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Serial Configuration Mode  
Jan 9, 2013 Page SC20/36  
The design tool also shows the position and speed  
overshoot resulting from the selected filter instance.  
Position overshoot (shown in AB edges and me-  
chanical degrees of encoder rotation) is proportional  
to the entered maximum acceleration and is typical-  
ly noticed on stopping (deceleration). At low accel-  
eration values and/or low encoder resolutions, posi-  
tion overshoot may be less than one AB edge and  
thus totally undetectable during encoder operation.  
For example, the Maxon EC 90 flat 90W motor with  
the 24V winding (order number 323772) has a rotor  
inertia of 3,060 gcm2 and a stall torque of 4,670  
mNm. Thus its no-load maximum acceleration in  
radians per second2 is  
TS 4670  
m   
10,000 15,261  
JR 3060  
Using this value for the maximum acceleration pa-  
rameter in the design tool will then show the per-  
formance of the iC-TW8 when used in an encoder  
for feedback with this motor.  
Speed overshoot is calculated as a percent of speed.  
The actual amount of speed overshoot in RPM is  
proportional to encoder speed. Speed overshoot is  
typically noticed at the end of the acceleration ramp  
(the beginning of the constant velocity portion of the  
motion profile).  
The graphs below show typical motion profile per-  
formance and encoder lag of the iC-TW8 using lag  
recovery filter mode instance 89 at 15,261 radians  
per second2 maximum acceleration.  
Performance graphs of encoder lag in AB edges and  
response to a trapezoidal motion profile with con-  
stant acceleration, velocity, and deceleration are  
shown to allow observing the effect of the different  
filter instances. Scroll to the right on small computer  
screens to see the performance graphs.  
A single parameter (maximum acceleration) is used  
to generate the filter response graphs. Enter a value  
in radians per second2 that represents the maximum  
expected acceleration of the encoder. The design  
tool calculates the equivalent acceleration in units of  
kRPM (1000 RPM) per second and time to reach the  
chosen maximum speed, which may be more easily  
understood. The acceleration value is used only to  
generate the performance graphs, it does not affect  
the configuration of the iC-TW8. The motion profile  
is generated by accelerating for 1000 ADC samples  
at the entered acceleration, running at the attained  
speed for 1000 ADC samples, and decelerating at  
the entered acceleration for 1000 ADC samples.  
The maximum acceleration ( m ) of a motor in radi-  
ans per second2 may be calculated knowing its stall  
torque ( ) in Newtons and its rotor inertia ( R ) in  
kilogram seconds2 using the formula  
m TS JR  
Figure 21: Typical Encoder Performance Graphs  
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