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TW8 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: TW8
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Serial Configuration Mode  
Jan 9, 2013 Page SC19/36  
The design tool shows the resulting speed/resolution  
performance in a chart at columns M – T. The X  
(Resolution) axis shows the range of output resolu-  
tions that are possible using the selected input reso-  
lution. The chart shows the resulting maximum  
speed, maximum adaption speed, warning fault  
speed and fatal fault speed at a given output resolu-  
Filter Configuration  
In the Filter Configuration tab, enter the desired fil-  
ter mode for the AB signal path filter and then enter  
one of the recommended filter instances. The design  
tool confirms the actual filter mode and approximate  
noise and jitter bandwidth for the selected filter in-  
stance at the current crystal frequency. If “Not De-  
fined” appears for the actual filter mode, the entered  
instance is not one of the recommended ones. Non-  
recommended instances may cause unstable filter  
response. See Filter on page 6 for details on filter  
modes and instances.  
Finally, enter the desired hysteresis in equivalent  
AB output edges to prevent output dithering at  
standstill. The design tool calculates and displays  
the closest possible (actual) hysteresis with the cur-  
rent input and output resolution. Also displayed is  
the equivalent hysteresis in AB output cycles, me-  
chanical degrees (°m) and arc-minutes of rotation,  
and input Sin/Cos cycle degrees. Desired hysteresis  
can be less than 1 AB output edge. For best accura-  
cy, choose the smallest value that produces stable  
AB outputs with no sensor motion. Experimentation  
may be required to determine the optimal value.  
The following filter modes are available.  
iC-TW8 Filter Modes  
Low-pass filter with lag.  
Critically-damped low-pass filter with  
no filter lag.  
Under-damped low-pass filter with no  
filter lag and reduced latency lag.  
The complete range of output resolutions using the  
selected input resolution is shown numerically in  
cells B39 – B41. A complete list of output resolu-  
tions and the corresponding interpolation factor re-  
quired to achieve them is shown in the All Resolu-  
tions tab for easy reference with respect to complet-  
ed designs. For example, with an input resolution of  
32 cycles per revolution, an output resolution of  
16,384 CPR requires an interpolation factor of 512,  
as shown previously. Using this same input resolu-  
tion, the All Resolution tab shows that an output  
resolution of 10,000 is also possible by choosing an  
interpolation factor of 312.50 (row 1257).  
P Mode is the simplest mode; position lag at con-  
stant sensor input velocity is directly proportional to  
the sensor velocity and the filter instance value.  
There is no position or speed overshoot in P mode.  
PI Mode eliminates filter lag at constant sensor in-  
put velocity at the expense of critically damped fil-  
ter response. In PI mode, filter lag at constant veloc-  
ity is eliminated, but position and speed overshoot  
are proportional to the filter instance value.  
Lag Recovery Mode reduces latency-induced posi-  
tion lag at constant sensor input velocity at the ex-  
pense of under-damped filter response. In lag recov-  
ery mode, position lag at constant velocity due to  
interpolator latency is reduced, but filter response is  
under-damped and position and speed overshoot are  
proportional to the filter instance value.  
In general, use the lowest instance value for the de-  
sired filter type. This gives the fastest response,  
minimum lag, and minimum position and speed  
overshoot. Another instance may be used if addi-  
tional noise and jitter filtering is required.  
The design tool shows the encoder lag in AB edges  
per kRPM and mechanical degrees (°m) of encoder  
rotation at the chosen maximum speed for the se-  
lected filter instance. For a given filter instance, lag  
is directly proportional to encoder speed.  
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