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TW8 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: TW8
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Serial Configuration Mode  
Jan 9, 2013 Page SC18/36  
If minimum divider 1, it is not possible to syn-  
chronize the Z output with the states of the A and B  
outputs. See Using the Post-AB Divider on page 32.  
Impossible combinations of input and output resolu-  
tion are flagged with red warnings.  
AB Configuration  
In the AB Configuration tab, enter the input resolu-  
tion produced by the wheel or magnet and sensor.  
This value should be the number of Sin/Cos cycles  
per mechanical revolution of the wheel, magnet, or  
optical disc produced by the sensor connected to the  
iC-TW8. Next enter the desired output resolution of  
the encoder as the number of AB cycles per revolu-  
tion (CPR). This is also sometimes called PPR  
(pulses per revolution) and is equivalent to the num-  
ber of “lines” in a non-interpolated optical encoder.  
Next, enter the desired maximum speed (speed lim-  
it) for the encoder in RPM. The spreadsheet calcu-  
lates and displays the closest actual speed limit that  
can be implemented for the chosen output resolution  
using the current crystal. The calculated actual  
speed limit is shown in RPM, AB channel frequen-  
cy, AB edge frequency, and as minimum time be-  
tween edges. Exceeding the actual speed limit can  
be configured to activate the FAULT output (pin  
20). See Fault Configuration on page 22 for more  
With these values entered, the design tool calculates  
and displays the minimum required iC-TW8 inter-  
polation factor, the minimum post-AB divider, and  
the effective overall interpolation factor. In most  
applications, the post-AB divider is not required,  
and the Minimum Divider value should be 1. In  
general, this will be true if the Desired Output Reso-  
lution is an integer multiple of the Input Resolution.  
Specifically, Minimum Divider = 1 if  
For an enclosed encoder the maximum speed is usu-  
ally dictated by the bearings used. For a modular  
encoder (without bearings) or to use the full speed  
capability of the iC-TW8, enter an arbitrarily large  
value (such as 1,000,000 RPM) and the design tool  
will default to the highest possible speed. The calcu-  
lated actual speed limit is affected by the crystal  
frequency and output resolution.  
4Desired Output Resolution  
4   
Input Resolution  
4Desired Output Resolution  
Next, enter the desired maximum adaption speed in  
RPM. This is the speed above which auto adaption  
of the AB signal path parameters ceases. The actual  
maximum adaption speed depends on the input reso-  
lution and crystal frequency. In general, set the de-  
sired maximum adaption speed to an arbitrarily high  
value (such as 1,000,000 RPM) to enable auto adap-  
tion at all speeds. See Auto Adaption Configuration  
on page 21 for more information.  
is an integer.  
Input Resolution  
For example, with an input resolution of 32 Sin/Cos  
cycles per revolution, a desired output resolution of  
16,384 CPR results in a minimum interpolation fac-  
tor of 512 and a minimum divider of 1 since  
The warning fault speed depends on crystal fre-  
quency and input resolution and can be configured  
to activate the FAULT output. The warning fault  
speed is always half the fatal fault speed. The fatal  
fault speed is the ultimate speed limit of the iC-TW8  
at the selected input resolution using the current  
crystal. Exceeding the fatal fault speed always acti-  
vates the FAULT output. See Fault Configuration  
on page 22 for more information.  
In this case enter 1 for the divider override factor  
and then actual interpolation = effective interpola-  
tion = minimum interpolation and actual output res-  
olution = desired output resolution. This is the usual  
If it is desired to achieve the same output resolution  
using an input resolution of 24 cycles per revolu-  
tion, however, a minimum interpolation of 2048 and  
a minimum divider of 3 are required since  
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