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GS9060-CF 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: GS9060-CF
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内容描述: HD - LINX II SD- SDI和DVB- ASI解串器,带环通电缆驱动器 [HD-LINX II SD-SDI and DVB-ASI Deserializer with Loop-Through Cable Driver]
分类和应用: 线路驱动器或接收器驱动程序和接口接口集成电路
文件页数/大小: 61 页 / 885 K
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GS9060 Data Sheet  
3. Detailed Description  
3.1 Functional Overview  
The GS9060 is a dual-standard reclocking deserializer with an integrated serial  
digital loop-through output. When used in conjunction with any Gennum cable  
equalizer and the external GO1555/GO1525* Voltage Controlled Oscillator, a  
receive solution at 270Mb/s is realized.  
The application layer must set external device pins for the correct reception of  
either SMPTE or DVB-ASI data. The GS9060 also supports the reclocking and  
deserializing of data not conforming to SMPTE or DVB-ASI streams.  
The provided serial loop-through outputs may be selected as either buffered or  
reclocked versions of the input signal and feature a high impedance mode, output  
mute on loss of signal and adjustable signal swing.  
In the digital signal processing core, several data processing functions are  
implemented including error detection and correction and automatic video  
standards detection. These features are all enabled by default, but may be  
individually disabled via internal registers accessible through the GSPI host  
Finally, the GS9060 contains a JTAG interface for boundary scan test  
*For new designs use GO1555  
3.2 Serial Digital Input  
The GS9060 contains two current mode differential serial digital input buffers,  
allowing the device to be connected to two SMPTE 259M-C compliant input  
Both input buffers have internal 50termination resistors which are connected to  
ground via the TERM1 and TERM2 pins. The input common mode level is set by  
internal biasing resistors such that the serial digital input signals must be AC  
coupled into the device. Gennum recommends using a capacitor value of 4.7uF to  
accommodate pathological signals.  
The input buffers use a separate power supply of +1.8V DC supplied via the  
3.2.1 Input Signal Selection  
A 2x1 input multiplexer is provided to allow the application layer to select between  
the two serial digital input streams using a single external pin. When IP_SEL is set  
HIGH, serial digital input 1 (DDI1 / DDI1) is selected as the input to the GS9060's  
reclocker stage. When IP_SEL is set LOW, serial digital input 2 (DDI2 / DDI2) is  
22208 - 8 January 2007  
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