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GS9020ACTVE3 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: GS9020ACTVE3
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内容描述: GENLINX -TM II GS9020A串行数字视频输入处理器 [GENLINX -TM II GS9020A Serial Digital Video Input Processor]
分类和应用: 消费电路商用集成电路
文件页数/大小: 31 页 / 403 K
 浏览型号GS9020ACTVE3的Datasheet PDF文件第15页浏览型号GS9020ACTVE3的Datasheet PDF文件第16页浏览型号GS9020ACTVE3的Datasheet PDF文件第17页浏览型号GS9020ACTVE3的Datasheet PDF文件第18页浏览型号GS9020ACTVE3的Datasheet PDF文件第20页浏览型号GS9020ACTVE3的Datasheet PDF文件第21页浏览型号GS9020ACTVE3的Datasheet PDF文件第22页浏览型号GS9020ACTVE3的Datasheet PDF文件第23页  
5.1 I²C Serial Interface  
B) Signals are "strobed" into/out of the parallel port on the  
falling edge of the CS signal. Setup and hold times, as  
defined in the AC timing tables, are relative to this edge  
and must be met (see Figure 14a)  
C) The GS9020A drives the P[7:0] bus when the R/W pin is  
HIGH and the CS pin is LOW. At all other times, the  
P[7:0] port is in a high impedance state. The host  
interface enable and disable times are shown in Figure  
14b and are specified in the AC timing information. In  
this figure, the rising/falling edges of R/W and CS are  
not aligned to illustrate that the state of the P[7:0] I/Os is  
only a combinatorial function of the R/W and CS pins.  
The I²C interface consists of a bi-directional serial data pin  
(SDA) and a serial clock input pin (SCL). In addition, 3  
input pins, A[2:0] are provided to assign the chip one of  
eight possible I²C addresses (0001A2A1A0).  
A write cycle to the parallel interface is shown in Figure 14c.  
The starting address of the operation is written to the chip  
by putting the R/W pin LOW (indicating write) and the A/D  
pin high (indicating ADDRESS). At t0, the falling edge of CS  
strobes in the information. Following this, the A/D line  
should be asserted LOW indicating data. The R/W line  
remains LOW indicating a write operation and at t1 the data  
is strobed into the device.  
During an I²C write operation, the first byte written to the  
chip (after the device has been addressed) is interpreted  
as the starting HOSTIF write table address for the  
communication. The next byte is interpreted as data to be  
written to this address. The address then automatically  
increments so that the following bytes are written to  
subsequent addresses.  
A read example follows the write cycle. Note that the read  
cycle begins with a write operation to indicate the starting  
address. At t2, R/W is LOW (indicating write), A/D is HIGH  
(indicating address) and P[7:0] represent the starting  
address for the read cycle. After sufficient hold time, the  
microcontroller releases the P[7:0] bus and the R/W is  
asserted HIGH to indicate a read operation. At t3, the CS is  
asserted low causing the GS9020A to present the required  
data on the P[7:0] bus.  
When executing a read operation, a write must be  
performed first to load the starting address. After this, bytes  
read from the chip will begin at this address and will auto-  
increment. If the read operation is halted and  
communication with the chip is later established for another  
read, the chip will resume reading at the next HOSTIF  
memory address.  
In I²C mode, P[7:5] and A/D must be set LOW while R/W  
and CS must be set HIGH.  
If two consecutive data read or write operations are  
performed, the device will automatically increment the  
5.2 Parallel Interface  
address. However, for  
completely random-access  
operation, the address can be specified prior to every data  
read or write operation.  
5.3 Host Interface Read/Write Timing  
Figure 15 illustrates valid times for reading/writing  
information from the HOSTIF tables. It represents two fields  
of video data entering and exiting the GS9020A. The  
relative position of the EDH packet in the data stream is  
also shown. (Note that the EDH packet entering the device  
at t0, EDH F0, represents the EDH information from the  
previous field, FIELD 0).  
The asynchronous parallel interface consists of an 8-bit  
multiplexed address/data bus (P[7:0]), a chip select pin  
(CS), a read/write pin (R/W), and an address/data pin (A/D).  
It is safe to read or write EDH information at least two lines  
after an EDH packet exits the chip but before the  
subsequent EDH packet enters the chip. Reading during  
the time interval shown will show values from EDH F0.  
Writing during the time interval shown will affect EDH F1.  
The following should be noted when interfacing to the  
parallel port:  
A) Read/Write cycles via the parallel interface are  
completely independent and asynchronous to the  
parallel clock PCLKOUT.  
Note that the above read/write timing should also be  
observed when reading/writing flag information via the  
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