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DS_FT313H 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: DS_FT313H
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内容描述: 该FT313H是一个高速通用串行总线( USB )主机控制器,通用串行总线规范2.0版兼容,并支持高达480M bit / s的数据传输速度。 [The FT313H is a Hi-Speed Universal Serial Bus (USB) Host Controller compatible with Universal Serial Bus Specification Rev 2.0 and supports data transfer speeds of up to 480M bit/s.]
分类和应用: 数据传输控制器
文件页数/大小: 64 页 / 1588 K
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Document No.: FT_000589  
FT313H USB2.0 HS Host Controller Datasheet Version 1.1  
Clearance No.: FTDI# 318  
The DMA controller of the FT313H has only one DMA channel. Therefore, only one DMA read or  
DMA write may take place at a time. Assign the DMA transfer length in the Data Session  
Length register for each DMA transfer. If the transfer length is larger than the burst counter,  
the DREQ signal will de-assert at the end of each burst transfer. DREQ will re-assert at the  
beginning of the each burst.  
When DMA is transferring data from/to local buffer, if it wants to access local buffer content by  
PIO mode, can use auxiliary memory access registers AUX_MEMADDR and AUX_DATAPORT to  
read/write data from/to local buffer with single cycle.  
For a 16-bit DMA transfer, the minimum burst length is 2 bytes. This means that the burst  
length is only one DMA cycle. Therefore, DREQ and DACK will assert and de-assert at each  
DMA cycle.  
The FT313H will be asserted DMA EOT interrupt to indicate that the DMA transfer has either  
successfully completed or terminated.  
4.7 EHCI host controller  
The FT313H is a one-port EHCI-compatible host controller which supports all the USB 2.0  
compliant Low-speed, Full-speed, and High-speed devices and split/preamble transactions for  
the HS/FS hub.  
The EHCI host controller supports two categories of the transfer types, the periodic and  
asynchronous transfer types. The periodic transfer type includes the isochronous and interrupt  
transfers, while the asynchronous transfer type includes the control and bulk transfers.  
The EHCI host controller has schedule interface that provides to the separate schedules for  
each category of the transfer type. The periodic schedule is based on a time-oriented frame list  
that represents a slide window of time of the host controller work items. All the ISO and INT  
transfers are serviced via the periodic schedule. The asynchronous schedule is a simple circular  
list of the schedule work items that provides a round robin service opportunity for all the  
asynchronous transfers.  
The EHCI host controller contains the Isochronous Transfer Descriptor (iTD), Queue Head (qH)  
and Queue Element Transfer Descriptor (qTD), and Split Transaction Isochronous Transfer  
Descriptor (siTD) data structure interface to support the isochronous/interrupt/control/bulk  
transfers and split transaction.  
The EHCI host controller internal buffer memory is 24KB. START_ADDR_MEM register is  
allocated from 0x0000 to 0x5FFF.  
4.8 System clock  
4.8.1 Phase Locked Loop (PLL) clock multiplier  
The internal PLL supports 12MHz, 19.2MHz, or 24MHz input, which can be crystal or a clock  
already existing in system. The frequency selection can be done using the FREQSEL1 and  
FREQSEL2 pins. Table 4.3 provides clock frequency selection.  
Clock Frequency  
Table 4-3 Clock frequency select  
Copyright © 2012 Future Technology Devices International Limited  