Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Inte rrup ts
4.10 Ana log Inte rrup ts
The analog subsystem can generate the following interrupts:
• Voltage on positive input of comparator 1 is greater than the
voltage on the negative input of comparator 1
• Voltage on positive input of comparator 2 is greater than the
voltage on the negative input of comparator 2
• Trigger of the input capture interrupt from the programmable timer
as described in 4.8.1 Input Capture Interrupt.
Setting the I bit in the condition code register disables analog subsystem
interrupts. The controls for these interrupts are in the analog subsystem
control register (ACR) located at $001D, and the status bits are in the
analog subsystem status register (ASR) located at $001E.
4.10.1 Com p a ra tor Inp ut Ma tc h Inte rrup t
A comparator input match interrupt occurs if either compare flag bit
(CPF1 or CPF2) in the ASR becomes set while the comparator interrupt
enable bit (CPIE) in the ACR is also set. The CPF1 and CPF2 flag bits
can be reset by writing a one to the corresponding CPFR1 or CPFR2 bits
in the ASR. Reset clears these bits.
4.10.2 Inp ut Ca p ture Inte rrup t
The analog subsystem can also generate an input capture interrupt
through the 16-bit programmable timer. The input capture can be
triggered when there is a match in the input conditions for the voltage
comparator 2. If comparator 2 sets the CP2F flag bit in the ASR and the
input capture enable (ICEN) in the ACR is set, then an input capture will
be performed by the programmable timer. If the ICIE enable bit in the
TCR is also set, then an input compare interrupt will occur. Reset clears
these bits.
NOTE: For the analog subsystem to generate an interrupt using the input
capture function of the programmable timer, the ICEN enable bit in the
ACR, and the ICIE and IEDG bits in the TCR must all be set.
General Release Specification
MC68HC705JJ7/MC68HC705JP7 — Rev. 3.0
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