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M52D128168A-7TG 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: M52D128168A-7TG
PDF下载: 下载PDF文件 查看货源
内容描述: 2M ×16位×4手机银行同步DRAM [2M x 16 Bit x 4 Banks Mobile Synchronous DRAM]
分类和应用: 存储内存集成电路光电二极管动态存储器手机
文件页数/大小: 48 页 / 1178 K
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The clock input is used as the reference for all SDRAM  
operations. All operations are synchronized to the positive  
going edge of the clock. The clock transitions must be  
monotonic between VIL and VIH. During operation with CKE  
high all inputs are assumed to be in valid state (low or high)  
for the duration of setup and hold time around positive edge  
of the clock for proper functionality and Icc specifications.  
The mode register stores the data for controlling the  
various operating modes of SDRAM. It programs the  
CAS latency, burst type, burst length, test mode and  
various vendor specific options to make SDRAM useful  
for variety of different applications. The default value of  
the mode register is not defined, therefore the mode  
register must be written after power up to operate the  
SDRAM. The mode register is written by asserting low  
on CS , RAS , CAS and WE (The SDRAM should  
be in active mode with CKE already high prior to writing  
the mode register). The state of address pins A0~A11  
The clock enable (CKE) gates the clock onto SDRAM. If  
CKE goes low synchronously with clock (set-up and hold  
time same as other inputs), the internal clock suspended  
from the next clock cycle and the state of output and burst  
address is frozen as long as the CKE remains low. All other  
inputs are ignored from the next clock cycle after CKE goes  
low. When all banks are in the idle state and CKE goes low  
synchronously with clock, the SDRAM enters the power  
down mode from the next clock cycle. The SDRAM remains  
in the power down mode ignoring the other inputs as long as  
CKE remains low. The power down exit is synchronous as  
the internal clock is suspended. When CKE goes high at  
least “1CLK + tSS” before the high going edge of the clock,  
then the SDRAM becomes active from the same clock edge  
accepting all the input commands.  
and BA0~BA1 in the same cycle as CS , RAS , CAS  
and WE going low is the data written in the mode  
register. Two clock cycles is required to complete the  
write in the mode register. The mode register contents  
can be changed using the same command and clock  
cycle requirements during operation as long as all banks  
are in the idle state. The mode register is divided into  
various fields into depending on functionality. The burst  
length field uses A0~A2, burst type uses A3, CAS  
latency (read latency from column address) use A4~A6,  
vendor specific options or test mode use A7~A8,  
A10~A11 and BA1~BA0. The write burst length is  
programmed using A9. A7~A8, A10/AP~A11 and  
BA0~BA1 must be set to low for normal SDRAM  
operation. Refer to the table for specific codes for  
various burst length, burst type and CAS latencies.  
This SDRAM is organized as four independent banks of  
2,097,152 words x 16 bits memory arrays. The BA0~BA1  
inputs are latched at the time of assertion of RAS and  
CAS to select the bank to be used for the operation. The  
banks addressed BA0~BA1 are latched at bank active, read,  
write, mode register set and precharge operations.  
The 21 address bits are required to decode the 2,097,152  
word locations are multiplexed into 12 address input pins  
(A0~A11). The 12 row addresses are latched along with  
RAS and BA0~BA1 during bank active command. The 9 bit  
column addresses are latched along with CAS , WE and  
BA0~BA1 during read or with command.  
When RAS , CAS and WE are high, The SDRAM  
performs no operation (NOP). NOP does not initiate any new  
operation, but is needed to complete operations which  
require more than single clock cycle like bank activate, burst  
read, auto refresh, etc. The device deselect is also a NOP  
and is entered by asserting CS high. CS high disables  
the command decoder so that RAS , CAS , WE and all  
the address inputs are ignored.  
Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc.  
Publication Date: Aug. 2009  
Revision: 1.3  