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DS2152L 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: DS2152L
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内容描述: 增强型T1单芯片收发器 [Enhanced T1 Single-Chip Transceiver]
分类和应用: 电信集成电路
文件页数/大小: 94 页 / 1000 K
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There are nine registers that the host will use to operate and control the operation of the HDLC and BOC  
controllers. A brief description of the registers is shown in Table 11-1.  
FDL Control Register (FDLC)  
FDL Status Register (FDLS)  
general control over the HDLC and BOC controllers key  
status information for both transmit and receive directions  
FDL Interrupt Mask Register (FIMR) allows/stops status bits to/from causing an interrupt  
Receive PRM Register (RPRM)  
Receive BOC Register (RBOC)  
Receive FDL FIFO Register (RFFR)  
Transmit PRM Register (TPRM)  
Transmit BOC Register (TBOC)  
status information on receive HDLC controller status  
information on receive BOC controller access to 16-byte  
HDLC FIFO in receive direction  
status information on transmit HDLC controller  
enables/disables transmission of BOC codes access to 16-byte  
Transmit FDL FIFO Register (TFFR) HDLC FIFO in transmit direction  
11.1.2 Status Register for the FDL  
Four of the HDLC/BOC controller registers (FDLS, RPRM, RBOC, and TPRM) provide status  
information. When a particular event has occurred (or is occurring), the appropriate bit in one of these  
four registers will be set to a 1. Some of the bits in these four FDL status registers are latched and some  
are real-time bits that are not latched. Section 11.1.4 contains register descriptions that list which bits are  
latched and which are not. With the latched bits, when an event occurs and a bit is set to a 1, it will  
remain set until the user reads that bit. The bit will be cleared when it is read and it will not be set again  
until the event has occurred again. The real-time bits report the current instantaneous conditions that are  
occurring, and the history of these bits is not latched.  
Like the other status registers in the DS2152, the user will always proceed a read of any of the four  
registers with a write. The byte written to the register will inform the DS2152 which of the latched bits  
the user wishes to read and have cleared (the real-time bits are not affected by writing to the status  
register). The user will write a byte to one of these registers, with a 1 in the bit positions he or she wishes  
to read and a 0 in the bit positions he or she does not wish to obtain the latest information on. When a 1 is  
written to a bit location, the read register will be updated with current value and it will be cleared. When a  
0 is written to a bit position, the read register will not be updated and the previous value will be held. A  
write to the status and information registers will be immediately followed by a read of the same register.  
The read result should be logically AND’ed with the mask byte that was just written and this value should  
be written back into the same register to insure that bit does indeed clear. This second write step is  
necessary because the alarms and events in the status registers occur asynchronously in respect to their  
access via the parallel port. This write-read-write (for polled driven access) or write-read (for interrupt-  
driven access) scheme allows an external microcontroller or microprocessor to individually poll certain  
bits without disturbing the other bits in the register. This operation is key in controlling the DS2152 with  
higher-order software languages.  
Like the SR1 and SR2 status registers, the FDLS register has the unique ability to initiate a hardware  
interrupt via the INT output pin. Each of the events in the FDLS can be either masked or unmasked from  
the interrupt pin via the FDL Interrupt Mask Register (FIMR). Interrupts will force the INT pin low when  
the event occurs. The INT pin will be allowed to return high (if no other interrupts are present) when the  
user reads the event bit that caused the interrupt to occur.  
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