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CS8900A-IQ3 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: CS8900A-IQ3
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内容描述: 水晶局域网? ISA以太网控制器 [Crystal LAN ⑩ ISA Ethernet Controller]
分类和应用: 控制器局域网以太网
文件页数/大小: 128 页 / 1360 K
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Crystal LAN™ ISA Ethernet Controller  
The bits that must be programmed in the TxCMD  
register are described in Table 34.  
(memory base+ 0144h in memory mode and  
I/O base + 0004h in I/O mode).  
Register 9, TxCMD  
2) The host writes the transmit frame length to the  
TxLength register (memory base + 0146h in  
memory mode and I/O base + 0006h in I/O  
mode). If the transmit length is erroneous, the  
command is discarded and the TxBidErr bit  
(Register 18, BusST, Bit 7) is set.  
Bit Name  
Tx Start  
clear clear  
Start preamble after 5 bytes  
have been transferred to the  
clear set  
Start preamble after 381  
bytes have been trans-  
ferred to the CS8900A.  
3) The host reads the BusST register. This read is  
performed in memory mode by reading Regis-  
ter 18, at memory base + 0138h. In I/O mode,  
the host must first set the PacketPage Pointer at  
the correct location by writing 0138h to the  
PacketPage Pointer Port (I/O base + 000Ah).  
The host can then read the BusST register from  
the PacketPage Data Port (I/O base + 000Ch).  
set clear  
Start preamble after 1021  
bytes have been trans-  
ferred to the CS8900A.  
set set  
Start preamble after entire  
frame has been transferred  
to the CS8900A.  
When set, the CS8900A dis-  
cards any frame data cur-  
rently in the transmit buffer.  
4) After reading the register, the Rdy4TxNOW bit  
(Bit 8) is checked. If the bit is set, the frame can  
be written. If the bit is clear, the host must con-  
tinue reading the BusST register (Register 18)  
and checking the Rdy4TxNOW bit (Bit 8) until  
the bit is set.  
When set, the CS8900A will  
not attempt to retransmit  
any packet after a collision.  
InhibitCRC When set, the CS8900A  
does not append the 32-bit  
CRC value to the end of any  
transmit packet.  
When the CS8900A is ready to accept the frame,  
the host transfers the entire frame from host mem-  
ory to CS8900A memory using “REP” instruction  
(REP MOVS starting at memory base + 0A00h in  
memory mode, and REP OUT to Receive/Transmit  
Data Port (I/O base + 0000h) in I/O mode).  
TxPadDis When set, the CS8900A will  
not add pad bits to short  
Table 34. Tx Command Configuration  
For each individual packet transmission, the host  
must issue a complete Transmit Request. Further-  
more, the host must write to the TxCMD register  
before each packet transmission, even if the con-  
tents of the TxCMD register does not change. The  
Transmit Request described above may be in either  
Memory Space or I/O Space.  
5.7.7 Transmit in Interrupt Mode  
In interrupt mode, Rdy4TxiE bit (Register B,  
BufCFG, Bit 8) must be set for transmit operation.  
Transmit operation occurs in the following order  
and is shown in Figure 31.  
5.7.6 Transmit in Poll Mode  
1) The host bids for frame storage by writing the  
Transmit Command to the TxCMD register  
(memory base + 0144h in memory mode and  
I/O base + 0004h in I/O mode).  
In poll mode, Rdy4TxiE bit (Register B, BufCFG,  
Bit 8) must be clear (Interrupt Disabled). The trans-  
mit operation occurs in the following order and is  
shown in Figure 30.  
2) The host writes the transmit frame length to the  
TxLength register (memory base + 0146h in  
memory mode and I/O base + 0006h in I/O  
1) The host bids for frame storage by writing the  
Transmit Command to the TxCMD register  