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CS5014-BL28 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: CS5014-BL28
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内容描述: 16 , 14和12位,自校准的A / D转换器 [16, 14 & 12-Bit, Self-Calibrating A/D Converters]
分类和应用: 转换器
文件页数/大小: 46 页 / 401 K
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CS5012A, CS5014, CS5016  
The reset calibration always works perfectly, and  
should be used instead of burst mode. The  
CS5012’s and CS5012A/14/16’s very low drift  
over temperature means that, under most circum-  
stances, calibration will only need to be  
performed at power-up, using reset.  
temperature or to long-term aging, will generally  
dominate total system error.  
Microprocessor Interface  
The CS5012A/14/16 feature an intelligent micro-  
processor interface which offers detailed status  
information and allows software control of the  
self-calibration functions. Output data is available  
in either 8-bit or 16-bit formats for easy interfac-  
ing to industry-standard microprocessors.  
The CS5012A/14/16 feature a background cali-  
bration mode called "interleave." Interleave  
appends a single calibration experiment to each  
conversion cycle and thus requires no dead time  
for calibration. The CS5012A/14/16 gathers data  
between conversions and will adjust its transfer  
function once it completes the entire sequence of  
experiments (one calibration cycle per 2,014 con-  
versions in the CS5012A and one calibration per  
72,051 conversions in the CS5012, CS5014 and  
CS5016). Initiated by bringing both the INTRLV  
input and CS low (or hard-wiring INTRLV low),  
interleave extends the CS5012A/14/16’s effective  
conversion time by 20 CLKIN cycles. Other than  
reduced throughput, interleave is totally transpar-  
ent to the user. Interleave calibration should not  
be used intermittently.  
Strobing both CS and RD low enables the  
CS5012A/14/16’s 3-state output buffers with  
either output data or status information depending  
on the status of A0. An address bit can be con-  
nected to A0 as shown in Figure 4b thereby  
memory mapping the status register and output  
data. Conversion status can be polled in software  
by reading the status register (CS and RD strobed  
low with A0 low), and masking status bits S0-S5  
and S7 (by logically AND’ing the status word  
with 01000000) to determine the value of S6.  
Similarly, the software routine can determine  
calibration status using other status bits (see Ta-  
ble 2). Care must be taken not to read the status  
register (A0 low) while HOLD is low, or a soft-  
ware reset will result (see Reset above).  
The fact that the CS5012A/14/16 offer several  
calibration modes is not to imply that the devices  
need to be recalibrated often. The devices are  
very stable in the presence of large temperature  
changes. Tests have indicated that after using a  
single reset calibration at 25 °C most devices ex-  
hibit very little change in offset or gain when  
exposed to temperatures from -55 to +125 °C.  
The data indicated 30 ppm as the typical worst  
case total change in offset or gain over this tem-  
perature range. Differential linearity remained  
virtually unchanged. System error sources outside  
of the A/D converter, whether due to changes in  
Alternatively, the End-of-Convert (EOC) output  
can be used to generate an interrupt or drive a  
DMA controller to dump the output directly into  
memory after each conversion. The EOC pin falls  
as each conversion cycle is completed and data is  
valid at the output. It returns high within four  
CLKIN cycles of the first subsequent data read  
operation or after the start of a new conversion  