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CS5014-BL28 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: CS5014-BL28
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内容描述: 16 , 14和12位,自校准的A / D转换器 [16, 14 & 12-Bit, Self-Calibrating A/D Converters]
分类和应用: 转换器
文件页数/大小: 46 页 / 401 K
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CS5012A, CS5014, CS5016  
Also, the CS5012A/14/16’s internal RC oscillator  
exhibits jitter (typically 0.05% of its period),  
which is high compared to crystal oscillators. If  
the CS5012A/14/16 is configured for synchro-  
nous sampling while operating from its internal  
oscillator, this jitter will directly affect sampling  
purity. The user can obtain best sampling purity  
while synchronously sampling by using an exter-  
nal crystal-based clock.  
Figure 6. Power-on Reset Circuit  
Upon power up, the CS5012A/14/16 must be re-  
set to guarantee a consistent starting condition  
and initially calibrate the devices. Due to the  
CS5012A/14/16’s low power dissipation and low  
temperature drift, no warm-up time is required  
before reset to accommodate any self-heating ef-  
fects. However, the voltage reference input  
should have stabilized to within 5%, 1% or  
0.25% of its final value, for the CS5012A/14/16  
respectively, before RST falls to guarantee an ac-  
curate calibration. Later, the CS5012A/14/16 may  
be reset at any time to initiate a single full cali-  
bration. Reset overrides all other functions. If  
reset, the CS5012A/14/16 will clear and initiate a  
new calibration cycle mid-conversion or mid-cali-  
eliminate the possibility of inadvertent software  
reset. The EOC output remains high throughout  
the calibration operation and will fall upon its  
completion. It can thus be used to generate an  
interrupt indicating the CS5012A/14/16 is ready  
for operation. While calibrating, the HOLD input  
is ignored until EOC falls. After EOC falls, six  
CLKIN cycles plus 2.25 µs (1.32 µs for the  
CS5012A -7 version only) must be allowed for  
signal acquisition before HOLD is activated. Un-  
der microprocessor-independent operation (CS,  
RD low; A0 high) the CS5014’s and CS5016’s  
EOC output will not fall at the completion of the  
calibration cycle, but EOT will fall 15 CLKIN  
cycles later.  
Initiating Calibration  
Resets can be initiated in hardware or software.  
The simplest method of resetting the  
CS5012A/14/16 involves strobing the RST pin  
high for at least 100 ns. When RST is brought  
high all internal logic clears. When it returns low,  
a full calibration begins which takes 58,280  
CLKIN cycles for the CS5012A (approximately  
9.1 ms with a 6.4 MHz clock) and 1,441,020  
CLKIN cycles for the CS5016, CS5014 and  
CS5012 (approximately 360 ms with a 4 MHz  
CLKIN). A simple power-on reset circuit can be  
built using a resistor and capacitor, and a  
Schmitt-trigger inverter to prevent oscillation (see  
Figure 6). The CS5012A/14/16 can also be reset  
in software when under microprocessor control.  
The CS5012A/14/16 will reset whenever CS, A0,  
and HOLD are taken low simultaneously. See the  
Microprocessor Interface section (below) to  
All modes of calibration can be controlled in  
hardware or software. Accuracy can thereby be  
insured at any time or temperature throughout op-  
erating life. After initial calibration at power-up,  
the CS5012A/14/16’s charge-redistribution design  
yields better temperature drift and more graceful  
aging than resistor-based technologies, so calibra-  
tion is normally only required once, after  
The first mode of calibration, reset, results in a  
single full calibration cycle. The second type of  
calibration, "burst" cal, allows control of partial  
calibration cycles. Due to an unforeseen con-  
didtion inside the part, asynchronous termination  
of calibration may result in a sub-optimal result.  
Burst cal should not be used.  