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ADS7843 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: ADS7843
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文件页数/大小: 12 页 / 166 K
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Data Format  
Figure 10 shows the difference between reducing the DCLK  
frequency (“scaling” DCLK to match the conversion rate) or  
maintaining DCLK at the highest frequency and reducing  
the number of conversions per second. In the later case, the  
converter spends an increasing percentage of its time in  
power-down mode (assuming the auto power-down mode is  
The ADS7843 output data is in Straight Binary format as  
shown in Figure 9. This figure shows the ideal output code  
for the given input voltage and does not include the effects  
of offset, gain, or noise.  
FS = Full-Scale Voltage = VREF  
1 LSB = VREF(1)/4096  
1 LSB  
CLK = 16 · fSAMPLE  
fCLK = 2MHz  
TA = 25˚C  
+VCC = +2.7V  
FS – 1 LSB  
Input Voltage(2) (V)  
fSAMPLE (Hz)  
NOTES: (1) Reference voltage at converter: +REF–(–REF). See Figure 2.  
(2) Input voltage at converter, after multiplexer: +IN–(–IN). See Figure 2  
FIGURE 10. Supply Current vs Directly Scaling the Fre-  
quency of DCLK with Sample Rate or Keeping  
DCLK at the Maximum Possible Frequency.  
FIGURE 9. Ideal Input Voltages and Output Codes.  
8-Bit Conversion  
Another important consideration for power dissipation is the  
reference mode of the converter. In the single-ended refer-  
ence mode, the converter’s internal switches are on only  
when the analog input voltage is being acquired (see Figure  
5). Thus, the external device, such as a resistive touch  
screen, is only powered during the acquisition period. In the  
differential reference mode, the external device must be  
powered throughout the acquisition and conversion periods  
(see Figure 5). If the conversion rate is high, this could  
substantially increase power dissipation.  
The ADS7843 provides an 8-bit conversion mode that can  
be used when faster throughput is needed and the digital  
result is not as critical. By switching to the 8-bit mode, a  
conversion is complete four clock cycles earlier. This could  
be used in conjunction with serial interfaces that provide 12-  
bit transfers or two conversions could be accomplished with  
three 8-bit transfers. Not only does this shorten each conver-  
sion by four bits (25% faster throughput), but each conver-  
sion can actually occur at a faster clock rate. This is because  
the internal settling time of the ADS7843 is not as critical—  
settling to better than 8 bits is all that is needed. The clock  
rate can be as much as 50% faster. The faster clock rate and  
fewer clock cycles combine to provide a 2x increase in  
conversion rate.  
The following layout suggestions should provide the most  
optimum performance from the ADS7843. However, many  
portable applications have conflicting requirements con-  
cerning power, cost, size, and weight. In general, most  
portable devices have fairly “clean” power and grounds  
because most of the internal components are very low  
power. This situation would mean less bypassing for the  
converter’s power and less concern regarding grounding.  
Still, each situation is unique and the following suggestions  
should be reviewed carefully.  
There are two major power modes for the ADS7843: full power  
(PD1 - PD0 = 11B) and auto power-down (PD1 - PD0 = 00B).  
When operating at full speed and 16-clocks per conversion (as  
shown in Figure 6), the ADS7843 spends most of its time  
acquiring or converting. There is little time for auto power-  
down, assuming that this mode is active. Therefore, the differ-  
ence between full power mode and auto power-down is negli-  
gible. If the conversion rate is decreased by simply slowing the  
frequency of the DCLK input, the two modes remain approxi-  
mately equal. However, if the DCLK frequency is kept at the  
maximum rate during a conversion but conversions are simply  
done less often, the difference between the two modes is  
For optimum performance, care should be taken with the  
physical layout of the ADS7843 circuitry. The basic SAR  
architecture is sensitive to glitches or sudden changes on the  
power supply, reference, ground connections, and digital  
inputs that occur just prior to latching the output of the  
analog comparator. Thus, during any single conversion for  
an ‘n-bit’ SAR converter, there are n ‘windows’ in which  