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AL462 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: AL462
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内容描述: [Ultra HD FIFO Memory]
分类和应用: 先进先出芯片
文件页数/大小: 38 页 / 3431 K
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AL462 4K2K Ultra HD FIFO Datasheet  
9.2 FIFO Bus Configurations  
FIFO Bus Configurations The FIFO memory can be configured to 32-bit or 16-bit x2 modes and selected by  
pin 16EN input pin; where Signal 16EN =  
“0” – 32-bit Input and Output bus width (Default)  
“1” – 16-bit x2 Input and Output bus width.  
AL462 32-bit Signal Bus I/O  
DO1[15:0] & DO0[15:0] Read Data  
DI0[15:0] & DI1[15:0] Write Data  
WCLK0, WRST0, WE0 & IE0  
32-bit Bus  
32-bit Bus  
RCLK0, RRST0, RE0 & OE0  
FIFO Logic  
AL462 16-bit x2 Dual Bus I/O  
DO0[15:0] Read Data  
16-bit Bus  
16-bit Bus  
DI0[15:0] Write Data  
16-bit Bus  
16-bit Bus  
RCLK0, RRST0,RE0 & OE0  
WCLK0, WRST0,WE0 & IE0  
DI1[15:0] Write Data  
FIFO Logic  
DO1[15:0] Read Data  
RCLK1, RRST1,RE1 & OE1  
WCLK1, WRST1,WE1 & IE1  
9.3 WRST, RRST Reset Operation  
The reset signal can be given at any time regardless of the WEN, REN and OE status. However, they still  
need to meet the setup time and hold time requirements with reference to the clock input. When the reset  
signal is provided during disabled cycles, the reset operation is not executed until cycles are enabled again.  
9.4 Control Signals Polarity Select  
The AL462 provides the option for operating polarity on controlling signals. With this feature the application  
design can benefit by matching up the operation polarity between the AL462 and an existing interfacing  
device without additional glue logic. The operating polarity of control signals WEN, REN, WRST, RRST, IE  
and OE are controlled by the PLRTY signal. When PLRTY is pulled high, all 6 signals will be active low.  
When PLRTY is pulled low, all 6 signals will be active high.  
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