Austin Semiconductor, Inc.
following two sets of conditions (A or B) must be met to
obtain a stable supply state (stable supply defi ned as
2. For a minimum of 200 µs after stable power nd clock
(ꢁK, ꢁK#), apply NOP or DESELEꢁT commands and
take ꢁKE HIGH.
3. Wait a minimum of 400ns, then issue a PREꢁHARGE
ALL command.
4. Issue an LOAD MODE command to the EMR(2). (To
issue an EMR(2) command, provide LOW to BA0,
provide HIGH to BA1.)
5. Issue a LOAD MODE command to the EMR(3). (To
issue an EMR(3) command, provide HIGH to BA0 and
6. Issue an LOAD MODE command to the EMR to enable
DLL. To issue a DLLENABLE command, provide LOW
to BA1 andA0, provide HIGH to BA0. Bits E7, E8, and
E9 can be set to “0” or “1”; Micron recommends setting
them to “0”.
7. Issue a LOAD MODE command for DLL RESET. 200
cycles of clock input is required to lock the DLL. (To
issue a DLL RESET, provide HIGH to A8 and provide
LOW to BA1, and BA0.) ꢁKE must be HIGH the entire
, VꢁꢁQ, VREF, and VTT are between their
mꢁinꢁimum and maximum values as stated in Table20);
A. (single power source) The Vꢁꢁ voltage ramp from
300mV to Vꢁꢁ (MIN) must take no longer than
200ms; during the Vꢁꢁ voltage ramp, |Vꢁꢁ - VꢁꢁQ|
0.3V. Once supply voltage ramping is complete
(when VꢁꢁQ crosses Vꢁꢁ (MIN)), Table 20
specifications apply.
• Vꢁꢁ, V are driven from a single power converter
• VTT is limited to 0.95V MAX
• VREF tracks VꢁꢁQꢀ2; VREF must be within
0.3V with respect to VꢁꢁQꢀ2 during supply ramp
• VꢁꢁQ > VREF at all times
B. (multiple power sources) V > VꢁꢁQ must be
maintained during supply voltaꢁgꢁe ramping, for both
Aꢁ and Dꢁ levels, until supply voltage ramping
completes (VꢁꢁQ crosses Vꢁꢁ [MIN]). Once supply
voltage ramping is complete, Table 20 specifications
8. Issue PREꢁHARGEALL command.
9. Issue two or more REFRESH commands, followed
by a dummy WRITE.
• Apply Vꢁꢁ before or at the same time as
VꢁꢁQ; Vꢁꢁ voltage ramp time must be < 200ms
from when Vꢁꢁ ramps from 300mV to Vꢁꢁ (MIN)
• Apply VꢁꢁQ before or at the same time as VTT; the
VꢁꢁQ voltage ramp time from when Vꢁꢁ (MIN) is
achieved to when VꢁꢁQ (MIN) is achieved must be
<500ms; while Vꢁꢁ is ramping, current can be
supplied from Vꢁꢁ through the device to VꢁꢁQ
• VREF must track VꢁꢁQꢀ2, VREF must be within
0.3V with respect to VꢁꢁQꢀ2 during supply ramp
time; VꢁꢁQ > VREF must be met at all times
• Apply VTT; The VTT voltage ramp time from when
VꢁꢁQ (MIN) is achieved to when VTT (MIN) is achieved
must be no greater than 500ms
Austin Semiconductor, Inc.
● Austin, Texas ● 512.339.1188 ● www.austinsemiconductor.com
Rev. 1.3 6/09