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5962-9052701MXA 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: 5962-9052701MXA
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内容描述: TAXIchip集成电路(透明异步Xmitter ,接收器接口) [TAXIchip Integrated Circuits(Transparent Asynchronous Xmitter-Receiver Interface)]
分类和应用: 驱动器接口集成电路
文件页数/大小: 127 页 / 704 K
品牌: AMD [ AMD ]
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Fig u re 6 -5  
Fib e r Op t ic Da t a Lin k De c o u p lin g  
As Appropriate  
Ferrite Bead (Part# 2743002111 by Fair-Rite)  
0.1 µF  
4.7 µF  
TAXI VCC Plane  
FODL GND Plane  
TAXI GND Plane  
.1 µF  
4.7 µF  
Logic VCC Plane  
Power Supply  
Logic GND Plane  
4.7 µF  
0.1 µF  
As Appropriate  
Note: This connection includes a ferrite bead in the V  
circuit of the fiber optic components.  
The TAXIchip set can be cascaded to send multiple byte words over a single serial  
channel. Cascade operation is the loading of n bytes of data into a TAXI Transmitter,  
and the serial transmission of that data through the Transmitter to the media. Data and  
Command bytes are multiplexed into the Local Mode transmitter. Detailed block diagram  
and explanation of the data multiplexing method are described in section 7.1. Also see  
Appendix C, TAXI TIP #14.  
For Am7969-125 TAXI Receivers, the connection is parallel for data and daisy-chained  
for control. That is, the SERIN pins of all TAXI receivers are connected together and to  
the media. The daisy chain of IGM to CNB control signals determines which Receiver  
latches which incoming byte. The Receiver whose CNB input is connected to +5 V is the  
primary Receiver, supplying the initial IGM, as well as a reference frequency for the X1  
inputs of the down stream TAXI receivers.  
Cascade mode does not increase data rate or throughput. The maximum data rate is  
100 Mbits per second, cascaded(2) or not. The advantage of cascading lies in the fact  
that the width of the data word is transparently maintained. If the application requires the  
transfer of 32 bits of data, Cascade mode allows TAXI transmitters to latch all the data,  
and send it over a single serial channel, and receive the data in proper order in four  
TAXI receivers at the other end of the link.  
Another advantage of cascade mode is that if a byte gets corrupted, the system can be  
reset by just sending a Sync, ensuring that the first TAXI Receiver gets the first byte, the  
second Receiver gets the second byte, and so on. Performing this reset operation with  
latches would require additional logic to decode a Sync command which in turn would  
reset all the latches.  
For Am7969-175 TAXI Receivers, see Appendix C TAXI TIP #13 for single receiver  
cascade operation.  
(1)Actually, in Non Auto-Repeat Cascade Mode, the throughput is less than 100 Mbits/s due to the need to  
send Syncs.  
TAXIchip Integrated Circuits Technical Manual  