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S2021A 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: S2021A
PDF下载: 下载PDF文件 查看货源
内容描述: [Telecom Circuit, 1-Func, BICMOS, CBGA225, CERAMIC, PGA-225]
分类和应用: 电信信息通信管理电信集成电路
文件页数/大小: 38 页 / 168 K
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The S2020 sets the PACKET signal on the HIPPI Chan-  
nel prior to setting the BURST signal as required by the  
HIPPI Standard. If the external DTREQ signal is low  
(Burst and Ready counters are equal), there are no “un-  
answered” READYs. In this case the S2020 will pause in  
the {PENDBST} state until a READY signal is detected  
and the Ready counter is incremented.  
son between the Ready Counter and the Last Burst  
Register is used to prevent the Ready Counter from  
being incremented to a value greater than the old Burst  
Count. Thus the Ready Counter is prevented from  
“wrapping around” after receiving more than 65,535 un-  
answered READY signals from the Destination.  
The 65,536th and subsequent READY signals will be  
disregarded until at least one more Burst is completed,  
the Burst Counter incremented, the Last Burst Register  
updated, and the comparator conditions re-enable the  
incrementing of the Ready Counter.  
This function allows the Destination to “meter” the trans-  
mission of HIPPI Bursts on a one-by-one basis. A logic  
high on the DTREQ signal indicates that the S2020 is  
allowed to proceed, setting the BURST signal active  
and reading the next word of the Burst from the FIFO.  
If the Host decides to terminate the Packet while in the  
inter-Burst state, a single word must be loaded in the  
FIFO with the accompanying PKTAV bit set to 0. While  
the data at the inputs of the S2020 will appear at the  
HIPPI Channel outputs, the inactive BURST signal will  
cause the Destination to ignore that data. The low  
PKTAV read from the FIFO will again vector the S2020  
to the inter-packet {IDLE} state.  
While this process when started proceeds automati-  
cally, the Host system can observe its progress via the  
DTREQ output.  
The BSTAV should not be placed in the FIFO as a  
data bit, since it is used along with the DATAV signal  
to start and stop transmission gracefully at even Burst  
After the last Packet of the transmission is completed,  
the Source Host may terminate the connection by plac-  
ing a logic low on the CNREQ input. The S2020 will  
deassert the REQUEST signal on the HIPPI Channel,  
enter the {TERMCON} state and remain there until the  
Destination deasserts the CONNECT signal. At that point  
the {IDLE} state will be re-entered.  
In all cases the BSTAV must be synchronized with the  
25 MHz RDCLK for reliable operation of the S2020. The  
rising edge of BSTAV asynchronously controls the lead-  
ing edge of the low active NREN signal.  
Once the Connection is established and the first Packet  
and Burst are started, the S2020 Source Device will  
generate properly formatted Bursts with the appropriate  
LLRC word and inter-burst idle cycles as long as the  
FIFO has data and the PKTAV and BSTAV signals  
remain high. The BSTAV signal is used to pause at the  
even 256 word Burst boundaries while the Host System  
“refills” the FIFO.  
As an alternative, the Host may issue a Mode 0 Reset  
command to terminate the Connection. The REQUEST  
signal will similarly be deasserted and the {INIT} state  
will be entered until the Destination deasserts CON-  
NECT and the Host System deasserts CNREQ. It is  
recommended that the first method be used for graceful  
termination since the path through the {TERMCON}  
state allows the Host to monitor the CONNECT signal  
status via the CNOUT output.  
The BSTAV signal must be set for at least the first word  
of the Burst. Once started the Burst will continue until  
256 words are transmitted unless the SHBST signal is  
set active, the PKTAV signal is set inactive, or the  
DATAV signal is set low inactive. The word being read  
from the FIFO at the time that any one of these three  
events occurs becomes the last word of the Burst. The  
last word is transmitted, followed immediately by the  
LLRC for that Burst, and the S2020 pauses and waits  
for both the DATAV and BSTAV to be true (active high).  
The HIPPI Source device connect control State Ma-  
chine (SM) controls the Connection state of the HIPPI  
channel to which it is attached. The Connect Control  
SM has inputs from the Source Host and form the  
HIPPI channel (remote Destination). Based on the cur-  
rent set of inputs and the last state of this circuit, the  
next Connect state is entered and a related set of out-  
puts is generated to the Source Host and to the HIPPI  
channel (remote Destination).  
If the Burst was terminated due to an inactive PKTAV,  
the S2020 will wait for DATAV and BSTAV in the internal  
inter-packet {IDLE} state. Inter Burst pauses within a  
Packet cause the S2020 to wait in the {LLRC} state.  
For this discussion all external device signal names  
shall be CAPITALIZED and underlined, the SM input  
‘alphabet’ or decode names shall be in double quotes  
(“), and all internal state names shall be enclosed in  
curly brackets ‘{}’.  
Each time a Burst reaches the last word condition, the  
Burst Counter is incremented and the previous value of  
the Burst Counter is saved in an internal Last Burst  
Register. In addition to the comparison between the  
Ready Counter and the Burst Counter used to control  
the FLOWON and DTREQ signals, a second compari-  