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S2021A 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: S2021A
PDF下载: 下载PDF文件 查看货源
内容描述: [Telecom Circuit, 1-Func, BICMOS, CBGA225, CERAMIC, PGA-225]
分类和应用: 电信信息通信管理电信集成电路
文件页数/大小: 38 页 / 168 K
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The Host Data/FIFO SM has inputs from the Source  
Host system, the Connect Control State Machine and  
the internal Flow control circuit. Based on the current  
set of inputs and the last state of this state machine, the  
next Data/FIFO state is entered and a related set of  
outputs is generated to the Source Host and to the  
HIPPI channel.  
DATAV DATa AVailable signal from the Source Host:  
Indicates the availability of at least one more data  
word, or I-Field in the Source Host FIFO. A ‘1’ on  
this signal will enable the Source device to advance  
any pending operation that requires more data from  
the Host. A ‘0’ on this signal will prevent the ad-  
vancement of any such operations, and will legally  
terminate the current data Burst being transferred  
across the HIPPI channel.  
As before, all external device signal names shall be  
CAPITALIZED and underlined, the SM input ‘alphabet’  
or decode names shall be in double quotes (“), and all  
internal state names shall be enclosed in curly brackets  
‘{}’. Signals internal to the Source device other than  
previously defined state names shall be in caret brack-  
ets ‘< >’.  
Internal Inputs  
<FLOWON> Flow control signal from the READY/  
BURST counter block: Indicates the current capac-  
ity of the HIPPI channel (Destination) to accept a  
HIPPI Burst. A ‘1’ on this signal enables the trans-  
mission of one Burst to be initiated, if available from  
the Source Host system. A ‘0’ on this signal allows  
the completion of any Burst that has been initiated,  
but disables any subsequent Bursts. The state of  
this signal is observable at the DTREQ (DaTa  
REQuest) output of the Source Device.  
External Inputs  
PKTAV PacKeT AVailable signal from the Source  
Host: Indicates the current delimiting of data across  
the HIPPI channel. A ‘1’ on this signal indicates the  
Source Host’s request to either initiate a Packet or  
maintain the current Packet on the HIPPI channel.  
A ‘0’ on this signal indicates the Source Host’s re-  
quest to terminate the current Packet.  
<CONREQ> Connect request signal from the Connect  
Control State Machine: This signal is active for any  
of the Connect SM states {REQ} thru {CON16} dur-  
ing a normal HIPPI channel Connection Request se-  
quence. When active, this signal allows the Data/  
FIFO SM to read the I-Field from the Source Host  
FIFO, and then present the I-Field data and the REQ  
signal to the HIPPI channel.  
BSTAV BurST AVailable signal from the Source Host:  
Indicates the availability of other controls and data  
from the Source Host system. A ‘1’ on this signal  
will enable the Source device to initiate a new read  
sequence from the Source Host FIFO. A ‘0’ will  
disable the initiation of any new read sequences.  
This signal must not go active until at least one  
valid HIPPI Burst is available from the Source Host.  
If this signal goes inactive after a Burst read se-  
quence has begun, the current burst will be com-  
pletely read, but subsequent read operations will be  
<CNNECTED> Connected signal from the Connect  
Control State Machine: This signal is active only for  
the {CONNECTED} state. A ‘1’ on this signal en-  
ables all the HIPPI data delimiting and transfer  
functions. A ‘0’ will disable all delimiting and trans-  
fer functions.  
<256THWRD> The Terminal Count signal from the 8-  
bit word counter of the Host Data/FIFO Control  
Block: This signal indicates that the 256th word of  
the current Burst is being transferred from the FIFO  
to the Source device. A ‘1’ on this signal will legally  
terminate the current Burst. A ‘0’ will allow the  
Source device to transfer at least one more data  
SHBST SHort BurST signal from the Source Host:  
Indicates the end of a HIPPI data Burst with a  
length shorter than 256 words. A ‘1’ on this signal  
during an active Packet will terminate the current  
burst with the current word being the last word of  
the burst, and will initiate the completion and sub-  
sequent transmission of the LLRC word. A ‘0’ on  
this signal will allow the Source device to transfer at  
least one more data word from the Source Host  
FIFO to the HIPPI channel unless the current word  
is the 256th word of the current Burst.  
<RESET> The Reset signal from the Clock Control  
Block: This signal is the registered decode of the  
MSEL2-1 for the Mode = 0 state. A ‘1’ on this signal  
indicates the Reset state for the entire Source de-  
vice including the Host Data/FIFO SM. A ‘0’ on this  
signal will enable all other inputs to the SM.  