Revision 1.23 - Sept 26, 2006
Data Sheet
PowerPC 440SP Embedded Processor
Multiplexed Signals
Some signals are multiplexed on the same pin so that the pin can be used for different functions. The signal names
shown in Signal Functional Description are not accompanied by signal names that might be multiplexed on the
same pin. If you need to know what, if any, signals are multiplexed with a particular signal, look up the name in
“Signals Listed Alphabetically” on page 17. It is expected that in any single application a particular pin will always
be programmed to serve the same function. The flexibility of multiplexing allows a single chip to offer a richer pin
selection than would otherwise be possible.
Strapping Pins
One group of pins is used as strapped inputs during system reset. These pins function as strapped inputs only
during reset and are used for other functions during normal operation (see “Strapping” on page 83). Note that
these are not multiplexed pins since the function of the pins is not programmable.
Multipurpose Signals
In addition to multiplexing, some pins are also multi-purpose. For example, the PCIX0Ack can function instead as
PCIX0ECC1 depending on the PCI interface mode of operation.
AMCC Proprietary