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EPM9560A 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: EPM9560A
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内容描述: 可编程逻辑器件系列 [Programmable Logic Device Family]
分类和应用: 可编程逻辑器件
文件页数/大小: 46 页 / 495 K
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MAX 9000 Programmable Logic Device Family Data Sheet  
The continuous, high-performance FastTrack Interconnect ensures  
Timing Model  
predictable performance and accurate simulation and timing analysis.  
This predictable performance contrasts with that of FPGAs, which use a  
segmented connection scheme and hence have unpredictable  
performance. Timing simulation and delay prediction are available with  
the MAX+PLUS II Simulator and Timing Analyzer, or with industry-  
standard EDA tools. The Simulator offers both pre-synthesis functional  
simulation to evaluate logic design accuracy and post-synthesis timing  
simulation with 0.1-ns resolution. The Timing Analyzer provides point-  
to-point timing delay information, setup and hold time prediction, and  
device-wide performance analysis.  
The MAX 9000 timing model in Figure 14 shows the delays that  
correspond to various paths and functions in the circuit. This model  
contains three distinct parts: the macrocell, IOC, and interconnect,  
including the row and column FastTrack Interconnect and LAB local array  
paths. Each parameter shown in Figure 14 is expressed as a worst-case  
value in the internal timing characteristics tables in this data sheet. Hand-  
calculations that use the MAX 9000 timing model and these timing  
parameters can be used to estimate MAX 9000 device performance.  
For more information on calculating MAX 9000 timing delays, see  
Application Note 77 (Understanding MAX 9000 Timing).  
Altera Corporation  