I/O Structure
IOEs support many features, including:
I/O Structure
Differential and single-ended I/O standards
3.3-V, 64- and 32-bit, 66- and 33-MHz PCI compliance
Joint Test Action Group (JTAG) boundary-scan test (BST) support
Output drive strength control
Weak pull-up resistors during configuration
Slew-rate control
Tri-state buffers
Bus-hold circuitry
Programmable pull-up resistors in user mode
Programmable input and output delays
Open-drain outputs
DQ and DQS I/O pins
Cyclone device IOEs contain a bidirectional I/O buffer and three registers
for complete embedded bidirectional single data rate transfer.
Figure 2–27 shows the Cyclone IOE structure. The IOE contains one input
register, one output register, and one output enable register. You can use
the input registers for fast setup times and output registers for fast clock-
to-output times. Additionally, you can use the output enable (OE) register
for fast clock-to-output enable timing. The Quartus II software
automatically duplicates a single OE register that controls multiple
output or bidirectional pins. IOEs can be used as input, output, or
bidirectional pins.
Altera Corporation
January 2007