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AK4113-B 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: AK4113-B
PDF下载: 下载PDF文件 查看货源
内容描述: 192kHz数码音频接收器 [192kHz digital audio receiver]
文件页数/大小: 21 页 / 325 K
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Explanation of each dialog
1. [Function1 Dialog] : Dialog to write data by keyboard operation
Address Box:
Data Box:
Input register address in 2 figures of hexadecimal.
Input register data in 2 figures of hexadecimal.
If you want to write the input data to AK4113, click “OK” button. If not, click “Cancel” button.
2. [Write Dialog] : Dialog to write data by mouse operation
There are dialogs corresponding to each register.
Click the “Write” button corresponding to each register to set up the dialog. If you check the check box, data
becomes “H” or “1”. If not, “L” or “0”.
If you want to write the input data to AK4113, click “OK” button. If not, click “Cancel” button.
Indication of data
Input data is indicated on the register map. Red letter indicates “H” or “1” and blue one indicates “L” or “0”. Blank is the
part that is not defined in the datasheet.
Attention on the operation
If you set up Function1 dialog, input data to all boxes. Attention dialog is indicated if you input data or address that is not
specified in the datasheet or you click “OK” button before you input data. In that case set up the dialog and input data once
more again. These operations does not need if you click “Cancel” button or check the check box.