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AD6620ASZ 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: AD6620ASZ
PDF下载: 下载PDF文件 查看货源
内容描述: 67 MSPS数字接收信号处理器 [67 MSPS Digital Receive Signal Processor]
文件页数/大小: 44 页 / 374 K
品牌: ADI [ ADI ]
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Write Pseudocode  
The AD6620 external accesses may be performed through either  
the Microprocessor Port or the Serial Port. The Microport and  
the serial port both use a three-bit address and eight-bit data to  
access these registers. The three-bit address provides access to  
seven register locations (External Interface Registers). These  
register locations are used to access the internal address space of  
the AD6620 shown in the Control Register section. The seven  
registers are the LAR (Low Address Register), the AMR (Address  
Mode Register), and the five data registers (DR4DR0).  
void write_micro(ext_address, int data);  
/* This code shows the programming of the NCO frequency  
register using the write_micro function as defined above. The  
variable address is the External Address A[2:0] and data is the  
value to be placed in the external interface register. The NCO  
register is located at Internal Address = 0x303  
// holding registers for NCO byte wide access data  
int d3, d2, d1, d0;  
Table XI. External Interface Registers  
// NCO frequency word (32-bits wide)  
Data Register 0 (DR0)  
Data Register 1 (DR1)  
Data Register 2 (DR2)  
Data Register 3 (DR3)  
Data Register 4 (DR4)  
// write AMR  
write_micro(7, 0x03);  
// write LAR  
write_micro(6, 0x03);  
Low Address Register (LAR)  
Address Mode Register (AMR) 1-0: A[9:8]  
// DR4 is not needed because NCO_FREQ is only 32-bits, not  
// write DR3 with high byte of 32 bit word (D[31:24]  
d3 = (NCO_FREQ & 0xFF000000) >> 24;  
write_micro(3, d3);  
5-2: Reserved  
6: Read Increment  
7: Write Increment  
The internal address space is accessed using a 10-bit internal  
address. Many of these address locations are more than a byte  
wide and require multiple accesses to the seven External Inter-  
face Registers, which are each only 8 bits wide (only 4 bits of  
DR4 are used). Accesses to these registers are accomplished  
using the 3-bit address and 8-bit data lines the manner described  
below. The source of these values depends on the control port  
method used.  
// write DR2 with high byte of 32 bit word (D[23:16]  
d2 = (NCO_FREQ & 0xFF0000) >> 16;  
write_micro(2, d2);  
// write DR1 with D[15:8]  
d1 = (NCO_FREQ & 0xFF00) >> 8;  
write_micro(1, d1);  
// write DR0 with D[7:0]  
// Writing to DR0 causes all data to be transferred to the  
internal address.  
//Therefore, DR1, DR2 and DR3 should already be written  
d0 = NCO_FREQ & 0xFF;  
write_micro(0, d0);  
All internal accesses are accomplished by first writing the inter-  
nal address of the register or memory location to be accessed.  
The lower eight address bits are written to the LAR register  
and the upper two address bits to the LSBs of the AMR. This  
defines the internal address of the location to be accessed as  
shown in the memory map shown in the Control Registers and  
On-Chip RAM section.  
} // end of main  
Internal Read Access  
Internal Write Access  
A read is performed by first writing the LAR and AMR as with a  
write. The data registers (DR4DR0) are then read in the reverse  
order that they were written. First, the least significant byte of  
the data (D[7:0]) is read from DR0. On this transaction the  
high bytes of the data are moved from the internal address  
pointed to by the LAR and AMR into the remaining data regis-  
ters (DR4DR1). This data can then be read from the data  
registers using the appropriate 3-bit addresses. The number of  
data registers used depends solely on the amount of data to be  
read or written. Any unused bit in a data register should be  
masked out for a read.  
Up to 36 bits of data (as needed) can be written by the process  
described below. Any high order bytes that are needed are writ-  
ten to the corresponding data registers defined in the external  
3-bit address space. The least significant byte is then written to  
DR0 at address (000). When a write to DR0 is detected, the  
internal microprocessor port state machine then moves the data  
in DR4DR0 to the internal address pointed to by the address  
in the LAR and AMR.  
REV. A  