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AD6620ASZ 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: AD6620ASZ
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内容描述: 67 MSPS数字接收信号处理器 [67 MSPS Digital Receive Signal Processor]
文件页数/大小: 44 页 / 374 K
品牌: ADI [ ADI ]
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Dynamic Programming of the AD6620  
Initializing the AD6620  
Many attributes of the AD6620 may be altered dynamically as  
the AD6620 processes the received data. This allows the receiver  
to be adjusted during operation in order to achieve the maxi-  
mum performance. The typical dynamic registers of the AD6620  
are listed in the following table. To program the other registers  
follow the steps described in the section titled Initializing the  
AD6620. Technically all registers can be programmed dynami-  
cally, but adverse results may occur if registers other those listed  
are written dynamically.  
Before the AD6620 can be used to down convert and filter the  
channel of interest it must be configured for the job. First the  
RESET pin should be pulsed low for a minimum of 30 ns and  
should then be returned high. This HARD_RESET of the  
AD6620 clears the CIC Accumulators as well as the NCO  
Phase Accumulator. When RESET is brought high the AD6620 is  
removed from the HARD_RESET condition. The AD6620 is  
now in SOFT_RESET. In this state the Mode Control Register  
at address 0x300 contains a 1(Bit 0 is high). When the AD6620  
is in SOFT_RESET, no data is accepted by the input data port  
and no processing occurs. The serial port and parallel output  
port is held inactive and the chip is defined as a SYNC slave to  
avoid possible contentions on these pins. While the AD6620 is  
in this condition it should be programmed by the process below.  
It should be noted that this initialization must be performed via  
the microprocessor port since the serial port is inactive.  
These addresses may be programmed via either the Micropro-  
cessor or the Serial Control Ports.  
Table X. Dynamic AD6620 Registers  
Address Bit Width Name  
1. If the AD6620 is being reinitialized without performing a  
HARD_RESET, then address 0x300 should be written 1 to  
place the AD6620 in SOFT_RESET. This allows the non-  
dynamic registers to be programmed.  
2. Program the Coefficient RAM of the AD6620 with the  
desired FIR Filter. The address auto-increment feature can  
be used to decrease the amount of time required to program  
the Coefficients. This feature is described in detail in the  
Microport Control section that follows.  
Registers 0x302, 0x303 and 0x304 allow the NCO of the AD6620  
to be adjusted. The tuning frequency can be dynamically changed  
for frequency hopping. The phase of the carrier can be adjusted  
with address 0x304. The phase accuracy of the synchronization  
can be changed with 0x302. Registers 0x305, 0x307, and 0x309  
allow the user to dynamically control the gain of the AD6620 in  
6 dB increments. This can be used to maximize the AD6620s  
dynamic range for the signal being tuned at a particular instant.  
Register 0x307 allows for AGC where the DSP does power  
spectral estimation.  
3. (Optional) The first piece of data out of the AD6620 is always  
zero due to an output pipeline delay. There will also be a  
start-up glitch on the output of the AD6620 due to possible  
nonzero data in the I and Q data RAMS of the RCF filter.  
These RAMS are not initialized by the HARD_RESET. If  
this is a concern then the data RAMS should now be written  
to zero. For efficiency the auto-increment feature can be  
used as with the programming of the coefficient RAMs.  
In addition to dynamically writing to these registers, they may  
also be read to verify program content. Care should be taken,  
however, because reading some registers may affect normal chip  
operation. In particular, reading from 303h the NCO frequency  
will cause the phase accumulator to be reset via the SYNC_NCO  
pulse if the AD6620 is running as a Sync master. If the device is  
run as a Sync slave, then the phase accumulator is not reset.  
Addresses 000h through 1FFh should not be read dynamically  
as doing so will disrupt the internal state machine computing  
the FIR taps. These locations may be read statically if needed.  
4. The Configuration Registers of the AD6620 are now pro-  
grammed. First, address 0x300 should be written to set the  
Operating Mode if Diversity Channel Real or Single Channel  
Complex Modes are used. Bit 0 of this register should remain  
high at this time. This will hold the SOFT_RESET condition.  
The remaining configuration registers can now be programmed.  
This should start at address 0x301 and continue to address  
0x30D. This defines the operation of the NCO and filter stages.  
5. The AD6620 is now ready to be removed from SOFT_RESET  
and allowed to process data. This is done by writing address  
0x300 to again set the desired mode of operation. This loca-  
tion should be set for SYNC MASTER or SYNC SLAVE  
operation at this time. Bit 0 of this register is written low at  
this time to remove the SOFT_RESET condition.  
REV. A  