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WM8961 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: WM8961
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内容描述: 超低功耗立体声编解码器与1W立体声D类扬声器驱动器和接地参考耳机驱动器 [Ultra-Low Power Stereo CODEC with 1W Stereo Class D Speaker Drivers and Ground Referenced Headphone Drivers]
分类和应用: 解码器驱动器编解码器
文件页数/大小: 116 页 / 1413 K
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The WM8961 is controlled by writing to registers through a 2-wire serial control interface. A control  
word consists of 24 bits. The first 8 bits (B23 to B16) are address bits that select which control register  
is accessed. The remaining 16 bits (B15 to B0) are data bits, corresponding to the 16 bits in each  
control register. Many devices can be controlled by the same bus, and each device has a unique 7-bit  
address (this is not the same as the 8-bit address of each register in the WM8961). The default device  
address is 1001010x (0x94h).  
The WM8961 operates as a slave device only. The controller indicates the start of data transfer with a  
high to low transition on SDIN while SCLK remains high. This indicates that a device address and  
data will follow. All devices on the 2-wire bus respond to the start condition and shift in the next eight  
bits on SDIN (7-bit address + Read/Write bit, MSB first). If the device address received matches the  
address of the WM8961, then the WM8961 responds by pulling SDIN low on the next clock pulse  
(ACK). If the address is not recognised or the R/W bit is ‘1’ when operating in write only mode, the  
WM8961 returns to the idle condition and wait for a new start condition and valid address.  
By default, the WM8961 control interface requires an MCLK to be present before register writes are  
supported. To access the control interface without an MCLK, the user must set R8 (08h) Clocking2 bit  
5 (CLK_SYS_ENA) =0. MCLK is not required to write to CLK_SYS_ENA.  
Without MCLK, and with CLK_SYS_ENA=0, all registers can be updated and will maintain their  
settings, however any changes to functionality of the write sequencer, headphone PGAs, and  
headphone output stage will not take effect until MCLK is present. Enabling MCLK after the register  
writes to enable the headphone PGA and headphone output stage may produce audible pops and  
clicks, hence is not recommended.  
The WM8961 supports several kinds of read and write operations, which are:  
Single write  
Single read  
Multiple write using auto-increment  
Multiple read using auto-increment  
Auto-increment is enabled by default and can be disabled using the AUTO_INC bit as detailed in  
Table 3.  
These modes are shown in the section below. Terminology used in the following figures is as follows:  
Start Condition  
Repeated start  
Stop Condition  
0 = Write  
1 = Read  
Table 2 Terminology  
PP, August 2009, Rev 3.1  