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SCA3000-E05-1 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: SCA3000-E05-1
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内容描述: [Analog Circuit]
文件页数/大小: 45 页 / 1038 K
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SCA3000 Series  
followed by one zero bit. The later 8 bits in the MOSI line contain data for a write operation and are  
‘don’t-care’ for a read operation. Bits from MOSI line are sampled in on the rising edge of SCK and  
bits to MISO line are latched out on falling edge of SCK.  
The first bits in the MISO line are the frame error bit (SPI_FRAME, bit 2) of the previous SPI frame  
and odd parity bit (PAR, bit 8). Parity is calculated from data which is currently sent. Bit 7 is always  
‘1’. The later 8 bits contain data for a read operation. During the write operation, these data bits are  
previous data bits of the addressed register.  
For write commands, data is written into the addressed register on the rising edge of CSB. If the  
command frame is invalid as described in the section data will not be written into the register  
(please see "error conditioning" in section 4.1.2).  
For read commands, data is latched into the internal SPI output register (shift register) on the 8th  
rising edge of SCK. The output register is shifted out MSB first over MISO output.  
When the CSB is high state between data transfers, the MISO line is in the high-impedance state.  
4.1.2 SPI bus error conditioning  
While sending an SPI frame, if the CSB is raised to 1  
before sending 16 SCKs or  
the number of SCK pulses is not divisible by 8,  
the frame error is activated and the frame is considered invalid. The status bit  
STATUS.SPI_FRAME is set to indicate the frame error condition. During the next SPI, the frame  
error bit is sent out as SPI_FRAME bit (see SPI_FRAME in MISO line in Figure 6).  
STATUS.SPI_FRAME bit is reset, if correct frame is received.  
When an invalid frame is received, the last command is simply ignored and the register contents  
are left unchanged. If frame error happens while sending multiple samples in ring buffer mode, only  
the last output value is considered invalid.  
4.1.3 Examples of SPI communication Example of register read  
An example of 11 bit X-axis acceleration read command is presented in Figure 7. The master gives  
the register address to be read via the MOSI line: '05' in hex format and '000101' in binary format,  
register name is X_MSB (X-axis MSB frame). 7th bit is set to '0' to indicate the read operation.  
The sensor replies to a requested operation by transferring the register content via MISO line. After  
transferring the asked X_MSB register content, the master gives next register address to be read:  
'04' in hex format and '000100' in binary format, register name is X_LSB (X-axis LSB frame). The  
sensor replies to the requested operation by transferring the register content MSB first.  
Figure 7. An example of SPI read communication.  
VTI Technologies Oy  
PRELIMINARY - Subject to changes  
Doc.Nr. 8257300A.06  
27/ 45  