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TTP258 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: TTP258
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内容描述: [Preliminary]
文件页数/大小: 44 页 / 317 K
品牌: TTELEC [ TT Electronics ]
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P-5: 16 bits Timer/Counter  
Two sets TCP can be cascaded to form a 16-bit timer/counter when TCP2  
chooses TCP1OV as clock source (TCP2S1=1 & TCP2S0=1). In the 16-bit timer  
application, data load is controlled by writing TCP1EN=1 , then user should  
enable the TCP2EN at first, then using TCP1EN to control the starting or  
stopping counting of 16-bit timer/counter. The rising TCP2OV will reload the  
contents in the pre-load register into timer/counter, if TCP1LD in TCP1C &  
TCP2LD in TCP2C are enabled. The interrupt feature is different, in this case,  
the TCP1 INT will be inhibit when TCP1OV occur, the TCP2 INT is normally.  
Figure: 16 Bit Timer/Counter Configuration  
When TCPx works as a Timer, user needs give the preload data TCPxD for  
periodic interrupt. After initial setting, user starts the TCPx counting by setting  
TCPxEN=1, the TCPx cycle period is:  
Tc = (selected clock cycle) * (256) if TCPxD=00H  
Tc = (selected clock cycle) * (TCPxD) otherwise  
When 16 bits timer/counter:  
Tc = (selected clock cycle) * (65536) if TCP1D=00H & TCP2D=00H  
Tc = (selected clock cycle) * (TCP2D*256+TCP1D) otherwise  
When user writes data to the TCPxD, the data just keep in TCPxL/H. During  
the TCPxEN=1 command executed, the TCPxD’s complement value will load  
into counter TCPx as initial value and start the timer function. Necessary  
TCPxLD=1, timer run with reload feature as TCPx up counts and reaches the  
value of “FFH” or 255 for TCPx. At the same time, interrupt request flag TCPxF  
will set activated, if software enables the corresponding interrupt enable bit,  
INT hardware will cause MCU interrupt service routine.  
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Ver.: 1.2  