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OPA2683ID 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: OPA2683ID
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内容描述: 超低功耗,双通道,电流反馈运算放大器 [Very Low-Power, Dual, Current-Feedback Operational Amplifier]
分类和应用: 运算放大器放大器电路光电二极管
文件页数/大小: 33 页 / 907 K
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The OPA2683 has an extremely low 3rd-order harmonic  
distortion, particularly for light loads and at lower frequen-  
cies. This also gives low 2-tone, 3rd-order intermodulation  
distortion as shown in the Typical Characteristics. Since the  
OPA2683 includes internal power boost circuits to retain  
good full-power performance at high frequencies and out-  
puts, it does not show a classical 2-tone, 3rd-order inter-  
modulation intercept characteristic. Instead, it holds relatively  
low and constant 3rd-order intermodulation spurious levels  
over power. The Typical Characteristics show this spurious  
level as a dBc below the carrier at fixed center frequencies  
swept over single-tone power at a matched 50load. These  
spurious levels drop significantly (> 12dB) for lighter loads  
than the 100used in that plot. Converter inputs, for in-  
stance, will see 82dBc 3rd-order spurious to 10MHz for full-  
scale inputs. For even lower 3rd-order intermodulation distor-  
tion to much higher frequencies, consider the OPA2691.  
The OPA2683 provides very low distortion in a low-power  
part. The CFBPLUS architecture also gives two significant  
areas of distortion improvement. First, in operating regions  
where the 2nd-harmonic distortion due to output stage  
nonlinearities is very low (frequencies < 1MHz, low output  
swings into light loads) the linearization at the inverting node  
provided by the CFBPLUS design gives 2nd-harmonic distor-  
tions that extend into the 90dBc region. Previous current-  
feedback amplifiers have been limited to approximately  
85dBc due to the nonlinearities at the inverting input. The  
second area of distortion improvement comes in a distortion  
performance that is largely gain independent. To the extent  
that the distortion at a specific output power is output stage  
dependent, 3rd-harmonics particularly, and to a lesser ex-  
tend 2nd-harmonic distortion, remains constant as the gain  
increases. This is due to the constant loop gain versus signal  
gain provided by the CFBPLUS design. As shown in the  
Typical Characteristics, while the 3rd-harmonic is constant  
with gain, the 2nd-harmonic degrades at higher gains. This  
is largely due to board parasitic issues. Slightly imbalanced  
load return currents will couple into the gain resistor to cause  
a portion of the 2nd-harmonic distortion. At high gains, this  
imbalance has more gain to the output giving increased  
2nd-harmonic distortion.  
Wideband current-feedback op amps generally have a higher  
output noise than comparable voltage-feedback op amps.  
The OPA2683 offers an excellent balance between voltage  
and current noise terms to achieve low output noise in a low-  
power amplifier. The inverting current noise (11.6pA/Hz) is  
lower than most other current-feedback op amps while the  
input voltage noise (4.4nV/Hz) is lower than any unity-gain  
stable, comparable slew rate, < 5mA/ch voltage-feedback op  
amp. This low input voltage noise was achieved at the price  
of higher noninverting input current noise (5.1pA/Hz). As  
long as the AC source impedance looking out of the  
noninverting node is less than 200, this current noise will  
not contribute significantly to the total output noise. The op  
amp input voltage noise and the two input current noise  
terms combine to give low output noise under a wide variety  
of operating conditions. Figure 14 shows the op amp noise  
analysis model with all the noise terms included. In this  
model, all noise terms are taken to be noise voltage or  
Relative to alternative amplifiers with < 2mA supply current,  
the OPA2683 holds much lower distortion at higher frequen-  
cies (> 5MHz) and to higher gains. Generally, until the  
fundamental signal reaches very high frequency or power  
levels, the 2nd-harmonic will dominate the distortion with a  
lower 3rd-harmonic component. Focusing then on the 2nd-  
harmonic, increasing the load impedance improves distortion  
directly. Remember that the total load includes the feedback  
networkin the noninverting configuration (see Figure 1) this  
is the sum of RF + RG, while in the inverting configuration it  
is just RF. Also, providing an additional supply decoupling  
capacitor (0.1µF) between the supply pins (for bipolar opera-  
tion) improves the 2nd-order distortion slightly (3dB to 6dB).  
current density terms in either nV/Hz or pA/Hz  
In most op amps, increasing the output voltage swing in-  
creases harmonic distortion directly. A low-power part like  
the OPA2683 includes quiescent boost circuits to provide the  
full-power bandwidth shown in the Typical Characteristics.  
These act to increase the bias in a very linear fashion only  
when high slew rate or output power are required. This also  
acts to actually reduce the distortion slightly at higher output  
power levels. The Typical Characteristics show the 2nd-  
harmonic holding constant from 500mVPP to 5VPP outputs  
while the 3rd-harmonics actually decrease with increasing  
output power.  
4kT = 1.6E 20J  
at 290°K  
FIGURE 14. Op Amp Noise Analysis Model.  