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OPA2683ID 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: OPA2683ID
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内容描述: 超低功耗,双通道,电流反馈运算放大器 [Very Low-Power, Dual, Current-Feedback Operational Amplifier]
分类和应用: 运算放大器放大器电路光电二极管
文件页数/大小: 33 页 / 907 K
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The buffer gain is typically very close to 1.00 and is normally  
neglected from signal gain considerations. It will, however, set  
the CMRR for a single op amp differential amplifier configura-  
tion. For the buffer gain α < 1.0, the CMRR = 20 log(1 α).  
The closed-loop input stage buffer used in the OPA2683 gives  
a buffer gain more closely approaching 1.00 and this shows up  
in a slightly higher CMRR than previous current-feedback op  
frequency response given by Equation 2 will start to roll off,  
and is exactly analogous to the frequency at which the noise  
gain equals the open-loop voltage gain for a voltage-feed-  
back op amp. The difference here is that the total impedance  
in the denominator of Equation 3 may be controlled some-  
what separately from the desired signal gain (or NG).  
The OPA2683 is internally compensated to give a maximally  
flat frequency response for RF = 953at NG = 2 on ±5V  
supplies. That optimum value goes to 1.2kon a single +5V  
supply. Normally, with a current-feedback amplifier, it is  
possible to adjust the feedback resistor to hold this band-  
width up as the gain is increased. The CFBPLUS architecture  
has reduced the contribution of the inverting input impedance  
to provide exceptional bandwidth to higher gains without  
adjusting the feedback resistor value. The Typical Character-  
istics show the small-signal bandwidth over gain with a fixed  
feedback resistor.  
RI, the buffer output impedance, is a critical portion of the  
bandwidth control equation. The OPA2683 reduces this  
element to approximately 5.0using the loop gain of the  
closed-loop input buffer stage. This significant reduction in  
output impedance, on very low power, contributes signifi-  
cantly to extending the bandwidth at higher gains.  
A current-feedback op amp senses an error current in the  
inverting node (as opposed to a differential input error volt-  
age for a voltage-feedback op amp) and passes this on to  
the output through an internal frequency dependent  
transimpedance gain. The Typical Characteristics show this  
open-loop transimpedance response. This is analogous to  
the open-loop voltage gain curve for a voltage-feedback op  
amp. Developing the transfer function for the circuit of Figure  
13 gives Equation 2:  
Putting a closed-loop buffer between the noninverting and  
inverting inputs does bring some added considerations. Since  
the voltage at the inverting output node is now the output of  
a locally closed-loop buffer, parasitic external capacitance on  
this node can cause frequency response peaking for the  
transfer function from the noninverting input voltage to the  
inverting node voltage. While it is always important to keep  
the inverting node capacitance low for any current-feedback  
op amp, it is critically important for the OPA2683. External  
layout capacitance in excess of 2pF will start to peak the  
frequency response. This peaking can be easily reduced by  
then increasing the feedback resistor valuebut it is prefer-  
able, from a noise and dynamic range standpoint, to keep  
that capacitance low, allowing a close to nominal 953Ω  
feedback resistor for flat frequency response. Very high  
parasitic capacitance values on the inverting node (> 5pF)  
can possibly cause input stage oscillation that cannot be  
filtered by a feedback element adjustment.  
α 1+  
RF + RI 1+  
α NG  
RF + RI NG  
NG = 1+  
This is written in a loop-gain analysis format where the errors  
arising from a non-infinite open-loop gain are shown in the  
denominator. If Z(S) were infinite over all frequencies, the  
denominator of Equation 2 would reduce to 1 and the ideal  
desired signal gain shown in the numerator would be achieved.  
The fraction in the denominator of Equation 2 determines the  
frequency response. Equation 3 shows this as the loop-gain  
An added consideration is that at very high gains, 2nd-order  
effects in the inverting output impedance cause the overall  
response to peak up. If desired, it is possible to retain a flat  
frequency response at higher gains by adjusting the feed-  
back resistor to higher values as the gain is increased. Since  
the exact value of feedback that will give a flat frequency  
response at high gains depends strongly in inverting and  
output node parasitic capacitance values, it is best to experi-  
ment in the specific board with increasing values until the  
desired flatness (or pulse response shape) is obtained. In  
general, increasing RF (and then adjusting RG to the desired  
gain) will move towards flattening the response, while de-  
creasing it will extend the bandwidth at the cost of some  
peaking. The OPA683 data sheet gives an example of this  
optimization of RF versus gain.  
= Loop Gain  
RF + RI NG  
If 20 log(RF + NG RI) were drawn on top of the open-loop  
transimpedance plot, the difference between the two would  
be the loop gain at a given frequency. Eventually, Z(S) rolls off  
to equal the denominator of Equation 3, at which point the  
loop gain has reduced to 1 (and the curves have intersected).  
This point of equality is where the amplifiers closed-loop  