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71M6531D_10 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: 71M6531D_10
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内容描述: 电能计量IC [Energy Meter IC]
文件页数/大小: 120 页 / 1966 K
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Data Sheet 71M6531D/F-71M6532D/F  
FDS 6531/6532 005  
1.4.5 Instruction Set  
All instructions of the generic 8051 microcontroller are supported. A complete list of the instruction set  
and of the associated op-codes is contained in the 71M653X Software User’s Guide (SUG).  
1.4.6 UARTs  
The 71M6531D/F and 71M6532D/F include a UART (UART0) that can be programmed to communicate  
with a variety of AMR modules. A second UART (UART1) is connected to the optical port, as described  
in Section 1.5.6 Optical Interface.  
The UARTs are dedicated 2-wire serial interfaces, which can communicate with an external host processor  
at up to 38,400 bits/s (with MPU clock = 1.2288 MHz). The operation of the RX and TX UART0 pins is as  
UART0 RX: Serial input data are applied at this pin. Conforming to RS-232 standard, the bytes are  
input LSB first.  
UART0 TX: This pin is used to output the serial data. The bytes are output LSB first.  
The 71M6531D/F and 71M6532D/F have several UART-related registers for the control and buffering of  
serial data.  
A single SFR register serves as both the transmit buffer and receive buffer (S0BUF, SFR 0x99 for UART0  
and S1BUF, SFR 0x9C for UART1). When written by the MPU, S0BUF and S1BUF act as transmit buffers for  
their respective channels, and when read by the MPU, they act as receive buffers. Writing data to the  
transmit buffer starts the transmission by the associated UART. Received data are available by reading  
from the receive buffer. Both UARTs can simultaneously transmit and receive data.  
WDCON[7] (SFR 0xD8) selects whether timer 1 or the internal baud rate generator is used. All UART  
transfers are programmable for parity enable, parity, 2 stop bits/1 stop bit and XON/XOFF options for variable  
communication baud rates from 300 to 38400 bps. Table 15 shows how the baud rates are calculated.  
Table 16 shows the selectable UART operation modes.  
Table 15: Baud Rate Generation  
Using Timer 1  
(WDCON[7] = 0)  
Using Internal Baud Rate Generator  
(WDCON[7] = 1)  
2smod * fCKMPU/ (384 * (256-TH1))  
2smod * fCKMPU/(64 * (210-S0REL))  
fCKMPU/(32 * (210-S1REL))  
S0REL and S1REL are 10-bit values derived by combining bits from the respective timer reload registers  
(S0RELL, S0RELH, S1RELL, S1RELH). SMOD is the SMOD bit in the SFR PCON register. TH1 is the high  
byte of timer 1.  
Table 16: UART Modes  
UART 0  
UART 1  
Start bit, 8 data bits, parity, stop bit, variable  
baud rate (internal baud rate generator)  
Mode 0  
Mode 1  
Mode 2  
Mode 3  
Start bit, 8 data bits, stop bit, variable  
baud rate (internal baud rate generator  
or timer 1)  
Start bit, 8 data bits, parity, stop bit,  
fixed baud rate 1/32 or 1/64 of fCKMPU  
Start bit, 8 data bits, parity, stop bit, va-  
riable baud rate (internal baud rate ge-  
nerator or timer 1)  
Start bit, 8 data bits, stop bit, variable baud  
rate (internal baud rate generator)  
Parity of serial data is available through the P flag of the accumulator. 7-bit serial modes with  
parity, such as those used by the FLAG protocol, can be simulated by setting and reading bit 7 of  
8-bit output data. 7-bit serial modes without parity can be simulated by setting bit 7 to a constant 1.  
8-bit serial modes with parity can be simulated by setting and reading the 9th bit, using the control  
bits TB80 (S0CON[3]) and TB81 (S1CON[3]) in the S0CON (SFR 0x98) and S1CON (SFR 0x9B) SFRs  
for transmit and RB81 (S1CON[2]) for receive operations.  
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